ACITC - Meeting Minutes - 01-18-2008.doc

Academic Information Technology Committee (ACITC)
Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2008
Attending: Sharon Ainsley (UW), Jason Ball (IT), Bill Gabrenya (COPLA), Korhan Oyman (COA),
Carol Shehadeh (CTLE), Kurt Winkelmann (COS), Rhoda Baggs (UC), Linda Khan (Lib), Mary
Bonhomme (APOL), Marcus Hohlmann, (COS)
Meeting was called to order at 3 pm, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Olin Engineering.
Minutes for November 16, 2007 were approved as distributed.
Committee Reports
ADITC – No Report Submitted
Mary Bonhomme answered some questions that were raised as to current students being able to register
for classes offered through University Alliance. It was indicated students can register for classes through
University Alliance if the class is only offered through UA. Student types are reflected by a code which
indicates on campus, UA, UC, etc.
ITEC & IT – Jason Ball
Jason Ball updated on the status of University Alliance indicating the application process is now live and
all others aspects are expected to go live in 1-2 weeks.
Jason announced a 3 year contract has been signed for administrative computing services with Sungard.
Extender, the document management software, has been implemented in Financial Aid with Admissions
and Registration expected May 1.
Minigrants – Carol Shehadeh
Carol Shehadeh indicated the deadline for minigrants has been extended to February 8th due to the Faculty
Showcase being rescheduled to January 31st. Current ACITC members are not eligible to be judges for
the new minigrant awards. Carol also gave a brief overview of some of the exhibits that will be
showcased this year.
Resources – Bill Gabrenya
The results of a survey for faculty software were presented to the committee. Sharon Ainsley indicated
the faculty who responded to the survey are in need of the software and the non-responses were indicative
that they did not have a preference. Dr. Gabrenya indicated that 33 faculty need some software. It was
recommended on behalf of the colleges, the committee make the decision as to what software be
recommended for site licensing. Linda Kahn will prepare the costs relevant to the top 5 software requests.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:25 pm.
The next meeting will be February 15th at 3:00 pm.
Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2008