Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
November 18, 2008
Members Present: Sandra Butler, Sharon Christensen, Kyle Cunningham, Jennifer Dennis, Joel
Dering, Claudia Edwards, Todd Garner, Greg Hoepfner, Joe Jones, Howard Kuchta, Tobias Kuhn,
Teresa Lubrano, Diann Megert, Debbie Stoll, Jan Thomas, Vivian Thomlinson, Ronna Vanderslice,
Phillip Zaninelli
Members Absent: Tajriat Ahmed, Mike Dunn, Courtney Glazer, John Hodgson, Kurtis Koll, Cristal
McCutcheon, Michelle Smith
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. Our Biology Education Report was recognized with conditions. It will be acted
on at the next OCTP meeting.
B. Results of the final NCATE report will be formally announced this week.
C. Due to the economy, some universities have asked to delay the NCATE
meetings until next year. All universities will have the option to request a oneyear delay.
D. The rule changes for NCATE visits are listed below:
1. The on-site portfolio review will now become part of the regular
NCATE visit. The format will also change.
2. Program recommendation language has changed to recognized,
recognized with conditions, recognized with probation, and not
recognized. Recognition decision deferred has been eliminated.
3. A change in program review status now allows state-level
recognition only with 80% pass rate. Eighty percent of what is not
completely clear.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Admission and Retention Committee Report
The committee’s recommendation of admission to Teacher Education was
approved as submitted: 3 admitted with no conditions, 9 admitted with
conditions, 3 were not committed. The motion to accept the committee report
was made by Diann Megert.
Other Business
A. Old Business
1. Packet contains approved minutes from the September 15, 2008
2. Vivian Thomlinson moved to approve the updated transition points
chart. Teresa Lubrano seconded. Motion passed.
B. New Business
1. Course Modification: Due to added curriculum and requirements, the
Physical Science Department requests modifying CHEM 2113 to 3113.
Claudia Edwards moved to approve the request. Howard Kuchta
seconded. Motion passed.
2. Course Modification: Due to added curriculum and requirements, the
Physical Science Department requests modifying CHEM 2232 (the
accompanying lab to CHEM 2113 [3113]) to 3232. Diann Megert moved
to approve. Teresa Lubrano seconded. Motion passed.
3. The Department of Music has developed a program to provide a
Bachelor of Music Education. This program will allow Cameron students
who want to teach music in the public schools a more traditional path.
In the past, the students had to go through the state’s alternative
certification process to become teachers. Teresa Lubrano moved to
approve the request to add a Bachelor of Music Education. Vivian
Thomlinson seconded. Motion passed.
The annual Public Forum/Student Teacher Recognition Reception will be at 4:00
on December 10, 2008 in the Shepler Ballroom. This will serve as the TEC
December meeting.
There was discussion of posting Teacher Education information on the W drive.
This would provide secure access to those who need to view the information.
At the next regular meeting, there will be discussion concerning the 2007-2008
test scores and the criteria used to determine if scores are claimed or unclaimed.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:32 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Claudia Edwards.