I Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
February 21, 2008
3:30 p.m.
Nance-Boyer Hall, Room 1075
Members Present Tajrat Ahmed, Shannon Bayones, Sharon Christensen, Joel Dering, Mike Dunn,
Claudia Edwards, Russell Graves, Ramona Hall, Joe Jones, Marge Kingsley, Tobias, Kuhn, Teresa
Lubrano, Diann Megert, Sherry Reynolds, Michelle Smith, Debbie Stoll, and Ronna Vanderslice.
Members Absent: Jessi Brennan, Jennifer Dennis, Courtney GI'azer, Kurtis KolI, Crista! McCutcheon,
Jan Thomas, and Philip Zaninelli.
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanders'lice.
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. Mock NCATE visit was held February 18-19. No final report yet, but things are in
great order.
B. The NCATE team for our visit was approved at the Commission meeting on
FebruQry 14. Council members were given a Hst of the team members with their
roles and home locations. An information sheet will be compi.led on the team and
given to Council members at a later date.
C. HB 3197 regarding alternative certification was reviewed. It passed the house
yesterday, March 5, and will head to senate to be heard by the state senate in late
'March or early April.
D. NeATE visit April 19-23. TEC will be interviewed either Monday or Tuesday. The
exact date and time will be announced after the pre-visit on February 27. The
interview will last approx,imately 45 minutes. Council members were asked to make
every effort to make this meeting, but not to send substitutes if they could not make
it. Dr. Vanderslice then reviewed a few sample questions that the team may have of
the Council.
Last month's meeting minutes were approved.
Other Business
Old Business
Packet contains approved December minutes
New Business
A. Request to modify HIST 3043 Oklahoma History to include prerequisite of HIST
1483 or 1493. Motion was to approve the request by Sherry Reynol'ds. Seconded
by Teresa Lubrano. Carried.
B. Request to modify gDUC 4553 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties to
change the prerequisite from EDUC 3533 Intermediate Reading to EDUC 3513
Primary because the Early Childhood Education program require EDUC 4-553, but
not EDUC 3533. Mike Dunn made a motion to accept the request. Seconded by
Sherry Reynolds. Carried.
C. Request to modify the course description of SPED 4413 Teaching Students with
Mild/Moderate Disabilities in order to reflect changes in the state law. Mike Dunn
made a motion to accept the request. Seconded by Sherry Reynolds. Carried.
D. Request was made to drop the following courses because they have not been
offered in 5 or more years and they are not required for any program: 1) L1BS 3113
Materials Selection; 2) L1BS 3123 School Libraries; 3) L1BS 3223 Reference
Materials; 4) L1BS 4013 Organization of Library Materials; 5) L1BS 4041 Seminar in
Library Science; 6) L1BS 4313 Young Adult Literature; 7) SPED 371,3 Introduction to
Speech and Language Pathology; 8) SPED 4433 Teaching Students with
Severe/Profound and Multiple Disabilities; 9) SPED 4453 Teaching Students with
Emotional/Behavioral Disorders; 10) SPED 4621 Practicum in Mild/Moderate
Disabilities; 11) SPED 4641 Practicum in Severe/Profound and Multiple Disabilities;
and SPED 4703 Education of Gifted Children. Russell Graves made a motion to
grant the requests. Seconded by Mike Dunn. Carried.
E. Reque$t was made for a slight modification in the M.Ed. e-portfolio assessment
policy. The new policy requires all artifacts and reflections from: all courses
completed in the portfolio. The following definitions will apply:
"meets" = a minimum of "3" on 85% of artifacts and an average
of "3" on reflections
a minimum of "4" on 85% of artifacts and a
minimum of "3" on reflecti'ons
A motion was made by Diann Megert to accept these changes.
Seconded by Sheny Reynolds. Carried
F. After passing the Graduate Faculty Committee, request was
made to change the policy for Course Transferl Substitution Policy for Chalk and
Wire. Mike Dunn made a motion that the request of a change in the policy be
granted. Diann Megert seconded. The first part of the new policy will read: CourseTransfer - student will complete University form for transfer of credits AND
Education Department Transfer Artifact form (see form for details). The Education
Department Transfer Artifact form will be taken to the professor who teacher the
equivalent Cameron course. That professor will note on the form both the artifact(s)
and reflection(s) that are required for Chalk and Wire. Both students and professor
sign the forms. Marge Kingsley and Ronna Vanderslice will work on the verbage for
the second part of the policy, which concerns course substitution for courses that
were applied to a previous graduate degree. Carried.
G. A revised reflection rubric for the M. Ed. Program was presented that included
criteria for each score was presented. Claudia Edwards made a motion that the
revised rubric be accepted. It was seconded by Tobias Kuhn. Carried.
H. The revised guidelines and rubric for the Analysis of Growth paper for
the M.Ed. program were presented for approval. Motion was made by Tobias Kuhn
to accept them as presented. Seconded by Mike Dunn. Carried.
The Action Plan for Program Improvements was presented. Diann Megert made a
motion to accept it. Teresa Lubrano seconded. Carried.
Next meeting, is scheduled for March 6,2008 at 3:30 p.m. in Nance-Boyer
Committee members were asked to check their calendars for a possible
meeting. on April 3.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Debbie Stoll