Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
November 12, 2012
Members Present: Stephanie Boss, Travis Childs, Irene Corriette, Jennifer Dennis, Becky Easley,
Courtney Glazer, Tara Grandy, Jennifer Holloway, Mandy Husak, Ramona Hall for Michelle
Smith, Bethany Heinen, Teresa Lubrano, Yoonsin Oh, Sarah Peckinpaugh, Lynda Robinson, Holly
Rice, Vivian Thomlinson, Lisa Weis, Stephanie White, Deborah Williams
Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. Changes in General Education and the impact on education programs –
Gen Ed requirements are about to change from 50 hours to 44 with the
deletion of 6 hours coming from electives. This change is being made so
that candidates have room to take 1 hour of University Life and a capstone
course. For teacher education, the capstone will be a combination of
Practicum (for the university assessment) and Student Teaching (for the
culminating experience and career support). Programs need to consider
their requirements when making changes to the Gen Ed side of the check
sheet. Some room may be made by moving classes from the left side of the
check sheet to the right and by not calling a course an “elective” if it is
really required.
B. State standards for program accreditation – Please be sure to draw
candidates’ attention to the foreign language graduation requirement.
There is not a required course, but candidates must demonstrate
knowledge at the novice-high level. Also, the standards do not specify that
candidates must take courses in literature and philosophy. Rather,
candidates must meet the state competencies from each programs OSAT in
those areas as part of general education. When the programs were
established in 2006, no one wanted to make changes to any gen ed classes.
Since Cameron is taking a new look at gen ed, this might be a good time to
make changes. See Mandy Husak if you have questions.
C. Proposed rule changes – (9) The minimum number of required field
experience hours will increase from 45 to 60. (17) Mentor teachers will be
required to have a minimum of 3 years of experience. Currently CU has this
as a policy, but it could become law. (18) The OGET will be required for
admission to any teacher education program in the state. Again this is
currently CU policy. (h.7) Should a program receive a “not recognized”
decision and is unable to become “recognized” within 12 months, it would
not be allowed to admit new candidates.
D. Test redevelopment – This year the Reading Specialist test is being
redeveloped, and two new tests are being development – Math Specialist
and Gifted and Talented.
E. Transparency information – NCATE requires particular information posted
on our website. It is currently available on the School EBS page.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Admission and Retention Committee Report
The committee moved to accept twenty-three candidates for full admission to teacher
education (including one transfer candidate) and 1 candidate for readmission in Lawton.
Additionally, the committee moved to accept seventeen candidates for full admission at
RSU and seven candidates for admission pending passing scores on the OGET.
Other Business
Old Business
1. Approved minutes from the previous meeting are posted at
New Business
1. Request to Modify a Course – ECE 4653 – to delete the concurrent
enrollment requirement with EDUC 4313 due to the demise of the
Teacher Made Test. Howard Kuchta made a motion to approve the
change, and Vivian Thomlinson seconded. The motion was approved.
2. Request to Modify a Course – EDUC 4313 – to delete the concurrent
enrollment requirement with EDUC 4653 or ECE 453 due to the
demise of the Teacher Made Test. Travis Childs made a motion to
approve the change, and Vivian Thomlinson seconded. The motion
was approved.
3. Request to Modify a Course – EDUC 4653 – to delete the concurrent
enrollment requirement with EDUC 4313 due to the demise of the
Teacher Made Test. Tara Grandy made a motion to approve the
change, and Lynda Robinson seconded. The motion was approved.
4. Request to Modify a Course – HPET 3373 – to change the course
name to get away from a more physical therapy base. Vivian
Thomlinson made a motion to approve the change with a
modification to the top of the form, and Teresa Lubrano seconded.
The motion was approved.
5. Request for Program Modification: M.Ed. in Education – Option
Addition: Elementary Math Specialist – to add a new option including
18 hours of math content and educational supervision for a K-5 math
specialist program; candidates can opt to get the full degree or only
seek certification. Lynda Robinson made a motion to approve the
change, and Sarah Peckinpaugh seconded. The motion was approved.
6. Request for Program Modification: M.Ed. in Education – Literacy
Option: Course Requirement Change – to change the specialty
courses and focus on classroom teachers as opposed to reading
coaches; courses to be deleted – 5613, 5623, 5643, 5653/583;
courses to be added – 5723, 5703, 5693. Vivian Thomlinson made a
motion to approve the change, and Teresa Lubrano seconded. The
motion was approved.
7. Request for Program Modification: M.A. Teaching – Program Deletion
– to officially delete CAMSTEP, which has been suspended since 2007
and has been replaced with the M.Ed. in Education concentration in
Teaching and Learning. Howard Kuchta made a motion to approve
the change, and Travis Childs seconded. The motion was approved.
Announcements/Discussion Items
A. Certification score update will be discussed at the next meeting.
B. Oklahoma City University’s Connecting Across Cultures Conference
nominees due November 15th
Comments/Questions/Future agenda items
A. Background checks for field experiences
B. Increasing attendance at Advisory Board Meetings
C. Teacher Shortage Employment Incentive Program (TSEIP)
D. Special Education Interim Study
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer.