Teacher Education Council Minutes April 20, 2011 Members Present: Travis Childs, Jennifer Dennis, Joel Dering, Becky Easley, Claudia Edwards, Courtney Glazer, Jennifer Holloway, Mandy Husak, Howard Kuchta, Teresa Lubrano, Paulette Martin, Lynda Robinson, David Schmahl, and Vivian Thomlinson Members Absent: Gabriela Adam-Rodwell, Greg Hoepfner, Kurtis Koll, Michelle Smith, Jan Thomas, Ronna Vanderslice, Stephanie White, and Philip Zaninelli Proceedings Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Howard Kuchta Director of Teacher Education Report A. No report since Dr. Vanderslice is out of town on an NCATE visit. Last month’s meeting minutes were approved. Other Business Old Business 1. Approved minutes from the February 16 meeting are posted at http://www.cameron.edu/teacher_ed New Business 1. Request to modify course: MUSC 2312 Travis Childs made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. Lynda Robinson seconded the motion, which was approved. 2. Request to modify course: MUSC 2321 Vivian Thomlinson made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. Teresa Lubrano seconded the motion, which was approved. 3. Request to modify course: MUSC 2332 Joel Dering made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. Teresa Lubrano seconded the motion, which was approved. 4. Request to modify course: MUSC 2341 Vivian Thomlinson made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. Everyone seconded the motion, which was approved. 5. Request to modify course: MUSC 3321 Teresa Lubrano made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. Vivian Thomlinson seconded the motion, which was approved. 6. Request to modify course: MUSC 3341 Travis Childs made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. David Schmahl seconded the motion, which was approved. 7. Request to modify course: MUSC 4702 Joel Dering made a motion to change the course description to reflect the current ratio of lecture to lab hours. Lynda Robinson seconded the motion, which was approved. 8. Request for Program Modification: Social Studies Education – Program Requirement Change This program change consists of two parts: to require a grade of C or better in all courses in the content area and to move Western Civilization from general education to the major (in preparation for expected changes in general education). Lynda Robinson made a motion to accept the changes, and David Schmahl seconded. The motion was approved. Additional discussion concerned the phrase “in the major” and what would be included in both the social studies and PE education courses. There may be a need in the future to specify prefixes to avoid confusion. Announcements/Discussion Items A. All Program Reports uploaded to SPA September 15, 2012; due as pdf to Director of Teacher Ed June 1, 2012; Must have 2 cycles of data for each assessment; check for applicable standards for your area at http://www.ncate.org/Standards/ProgramStandardsandReportForms/t abid/676/Default.aspx B. Certification test update – Howard Kuchta presented test score data from September 2010 through April 2011 disaggregated by test and by site in the case of elementary education. Some results are alarming. Overall, it looks like claiming all students is working. Future Topics for Discussion A. Background Checks B. Phonics data will be collected next year in OCTP annual report, but the kind of data has not yet been specified. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer.