Teacher Education Council August 15, 2007 in attendance: Jessi Brennan, Sharon Christiansen, Mike Dunn, Claudia Edwards, Courtney Glazer, Russell Graves, Ramona Hall, Kurtis Koll, Teresa Lubrano, Barbara Meyers, Sherry Reynolds, Debbie Stoll, and Ronna Vanderslice absent: Phil Adrian, Michelle Smith, Jan Thomas, and Philip Zaninelli Mike Dunn made a motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting. Debbie Stoll seconded, and the motion passed. The Admission and Retention Subcommittee moved to accept nine candidates for entry into the program. The motion passed. Sherry Reynolds moved that candidates who are considered "degree-seeking alternate placement" meet the English proficiency requirement. This means that all candidates in education graduate programs would be held to the same standards regarding the English Proficiency Exam and related prerequisites. Mike Dunn seconded the motion, which passed. Ronna Vanderslice offered thanks to the English department for their help in revising the English Proficiency Exam and rubric. Ramona Hall presented a table of transition points and recommended remediation for the M.Ed. program. Russell Graves made a motion to accept the recommendations, and Sherry Reynolds seconded the motion. It passed. Courtney Glazer presented a grading policy for undergraduate student teaching to move from S / U to letter grades. Teresa Lubrano moved that we accept the grading policy as presented. Kurtis Koll seconded the motion, which passed. Several announcements which are detailed onthe agenda were made, and discussion occurred about scheduling meetings for the coming year. Exact dates will be emailed to committee members. Debbie Stoll made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Teresa Lubrano, and which passed unanimously. 1 n Director of Assessment Departmental Assessment Committee Curriculum Committee (if necessary) Teacher Ed Council Chair Assessment Advisory Committee Program Faculty Process for candidates who don't meet admission requirements Candidates who want to be admitted to teacher education complete the application process with Mrs. Ramona Mott, Teacher Certification Specialist. If analysis of documentation demonstrates deficiencies that prohibit admission for the candidate, Mrs. Mott will provide necessary remediation to the student in writing. Remediation is listed in the chart below. Major Assessments Remediation 3 satisfactory recommendation fonus with dispositions (1 from faculty within dept., 2 from faculty outside dept.) Letter of appeal to Admission & Retention Committee (Teacher Education Council); Recommendation letter from faculty member; 3 new recommendation fonus with dispositions (lfrom faculty within dept., 2 from faculty outside dept.) Grade Equivalent of 12.0 or higher on the Nelson Denny Reading lab activities and resources . Grade of"C" or better in the following courses: ENGL 1113, ENGL 1213, COMM 1113, MATH 1513 or higher, HIST 1483 or 1493, PS 1113,2 Humanities, and EDUC3003 Retake Course(s) Grade of"S" in EDUC 1800 Receive a "U" and attend or retake Completion of Application for Admittance to Teacher Education NONE Passing score on OGET Attend SOEA workshop(s) Retention GPA of 2.5 Academic Probation Concurrent enrollment or a grade of C or better in EDUC 3733 and Bio or Phys Science Retake Course(s) Passing score on EDUC 3003 lesson plan rubric Candidates submit drafi( s) of lesson plan in course prior to fmal portfolio submission; Resubmit/rescore Satisfactory interview including assessment of critical thinking skills Provide with list of resources (websites, books, articles, etc.) on developing critical thinking skills 3 CAMERON UNIVERSITY WEEKLY STUDENT TEACHING ASSESSMENT Week (circle one) 1 2 -----------,-------- 4 3 Intern Name _ School Mentor Name _ University Supervisor 1=Does not meet expectations* 2= Meets expectations 5 6 7 3 =Exceeds expectations *For a score of 1, provide an explanation in the Comments column. Promotes Dositive relations among students Creates an environment that Dromotes self-motivation Uses a variety of classroom manae:ement techniaues ~ Grade/Subj _ _ N/O=Not Observed Follows Oklahoma Criteria for Teaching Performance Instructional Indicators (establishes objectives, stresses sequence, relates objectives, involves allieamers, explains content, explains directions, models, adjusts based on modeling, guides practice, provides independent practice, establishes closure) Students are engaged in active learning Students are engaged in critical thinking Students are enthusiastic and interested in subject matter Uses assessment data to monitor teaching and student learning Student assessments provide evidence of learning -----,--- STRENGTHS: _ AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: _ PROBLEMS AND/OR CONFLICTS EXPERIENCED: Days Absent Mentor's Signature ~getel1tt O v * CU * £ "0~ .duc.tlon ::z::I ~,"11. (Q V140:J t1 * Vl _ o 1 2 3 4 5 Student Teacher's Signature The Department of Education at Cameron University is dedicated to producing COMPETENT, CARING, and COMMITTED educators who can successfully work with diverse students. An educator who is COMPETENT displays the following dispositions: values the subject matter (s)he teaches; appreciates multiple teaching strategies; and uses fair and consistent practices. An educator who is CARING displays the following dispositions: exhibits a beliefthafall students can learn; demonstrates strong interpersonal skills; and is sensitive to student needs. An educator who is COMMITTED displays the following dispositions: demonstrates professionalism; is a reflective decision-maker; and is dedicated to the profession. rev. 9/13/07