Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
March 14, 2012
Members Present: Stephanie Boss, Travis Childs, Claudia Edwards, Courtney Glazer, Tara
Grandy, Jennifer Holloway, Mandy Husak, Howard Kuchta, Teresa Lubrano, Lynda Robinson,
David Schmahl, Michelle Smith, Jan Thomas, Vivian Thomlinson, Ronna Vanderslice, Lisa Weis,
and Stephanie White
Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. 3 new OSATs going computer-based in December: English, US
History/Government, and Business – eventually all tests will be online
B. OSAT focus group for reading meeting March 30th – Faculty
representatives will have an opportunity to take the test. Those test items
will be removed from the pool for one year. Pearson will be on hand.
C. Test redevelopment activities—field testing will be done this spring for
pe/health/safety, advanced math, world history/geography,
severe/profound/multiple disabilities, and biological sciences – Cameron
will host field testing.
D. Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System (TLE) – The new
system will impact our courses. Oklahoma has approved three models:
Marzano, Danielson, and Tulsa. The primary difference among the three is
the number of items, so a good place for us to start will be with the things
that are common across the three models. All of the models contain a
quantitative piece based on student performance. Lawton has adopted the
Tulsa model. 2012-2013 will be the pilot year.
E. Summer Institute for Character Education – The institute will happen July
19-21. Cameron can send two students. A short application is attached.
F. Pearson is developing an ethics test for all professional educators – They
are currently researching the passing score.
G. Reminder – Don’t forget to complete your 10 hours in the public schools.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Admission and Retention Committee Report
The committee moved to accept eight candidates for full admission to teacher
education in Lawton.
Other Business
Old Business
1. Approved minutes from the January 4, 2012 meeting are posted at
New Business
1. Request to modify EDUC 5593 to remove the pre-requisite due to the
course being required for both the MEd in Reading and the ECU
media specialist program. A close look at student work showed no
difference between students who had the pre-req and those for
whom it was waived. Travis Childs made a motion to accept the
request. Vivian Thomlinson seconded the motion, which was
2. Request to modify EDUC 5603 to change the title and course
description to focus on literacy coaching. Vivian Thomlinson made a
motion to accept the request, and Tara Grandy seconded. The motion
was approved.
3. Request to modify 5623 to change the description in order to avoid
overlap with another course. Teresa Lubrano made a motion to
accept the request with the addition of the field experience to the
rationale on the change form. Vivian Thomlinson seconded the
motion, which passed.
4. Request to modify EDUC 5633 to change the course description to
reflect a change in course focus to strategies for adult learners. Travis
Childs made a motion to accept the request. Vivian Thomlinson
seconded the motion, which was approved.
5. Request to modify EDUC 5643 to add a field experience and align the
description with what is actually being taught in the course. Tara
Grandy made a motion to accept the change. Vivian Thomlinson
seconded the motion, which was approved.
6. Request to modify EDUC 5663 to change the course description and
remove the pre-requisite due to a change in emphasis of the course
to serve all programs. Vivian Thomlinson made a motion to accept the
change. Travis Childs seconded the motion, which was approved.
7. Request to modify 5693 to remove the pre-requisite due to the
course being required for both the MEd in Reading and the ECU
media specialist program. Tara Grandy made a motion to accept the
request. Teresa Lubrano seconded the motion, which was approved.
8. Request to modify EDUC 5723 to add a field experience (only 5 hours
to avoid being intrusive with families) and change the course
description to emphasize research. David Schmahl made a motion to
accept the change. Howard Kuchta seconded the motion, which was
Announcements/Discussion Items
A. Final drafts of program reports due to Director of Teacher Ed on June
15, 2012 – The following pieces should be included in the full report:
contextual information, # of majors and completers, list of faculty
(names only), charts for sections II & III, 2 cycles of data for majority of
assessments, and section V re. changes made based on data. Section V
is the only new part on the report. Ronna and Courtney will be having
individual meetings with feedback in August.
B. Certification score update for 2011-2012
C. Current education-related legislation
a. HB 2285-extends the deadline to 2014 for testing across
elementary, ece, and special ed
b. HB 2762-consolidates OCTP and the Office of Accountability –
This one is definitely happening. The main question is what the
makeup of the board will be.
c. HB 2790-allows those who complete Ed Leadership program to
“test in” to superintendent
d. SB 1565-requires state regents to implement pilot dyslexia
training program for candidates in several institutions – There is
no opposition for this.
e. SB 1443-extends moratorium on NBCT for 2 more years but
requires funding of bonuses for current NBCTs
f. HB 3076-requires all volunteers in public schools to be
fingerprinted – It is unclear whether our students would be
considered volunteers.
Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer.