College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)

College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)
Minutes for Meeting of February 24, 2014
A meeting of ASCAP was held on Monday, February 24 at 3:00 p.m. in Holden Hall 202. Committee
members present were: Gretchen Adams, Jim Barrick, Scott Baugh, Nelson Dometrius, Brett Houk, Matt
Olson, Travis Roach, and David Roach. Presenters: Dr. Iber (A&S), Dr. Melton (Health, Exercise, and
Sport Sciences), and Dr. Barkdull (Political Science).
1. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposals
from the College of Arts and Sciences:
 Del CASC 3300 Introduction to Integrative Research.
 Del CASC 4350 Capstone in Integrative Study.
2. Pending minor revisions, the committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration
the following proposal from the Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Sciences:
 Change Title for ESS 4357 Sport Finance and Economics.
3. Pending revisions, the committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the
following proposals from the Department of Political Science:
 Add GLST 4300 Global Studies Capstone.
The proposal for BIOL 2202 was tabled pending additional information.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of ASCAP is scheduled for Monday, March 10, 2014 for proposals
that reach the committee and the Dean’s office by Monday, March 3.