College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)

College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)
Minutes for Meeting of April 15, 2013
A meeting of ASCAP was held on Monday, April 15 at 3:00 p.m. in Holden Hall 129. Committee
members present were: Gretchen Adams, Erin Collopy, Miles Condon, Nelson Dometrius, Art Durband,
David Lamp, Chris Monico, and David Roach. Presenters: Drs. Stratton and Borst (Classical & Modern
Languages & Literatures), Dr. Iyer (Mathematics and Statistics), and Drs. McBee, Hill, and Legacey
(History), Dr. Taraban (Psychology), and Dr. Goggin (Health, Exercise, and Sport Sciences).
1. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposals
from the Department of Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures:
 Change hours for GRK 1501 Beginning Course Greek I.
 Change hours and pre reqs for GRK 1502 Beginning Course Greek II.
 Add CMLL 5305 Seminar in Language Studies.
 Add CMLL 5307 Studies in World Language & Culture.
 Add CMLL 5309 Studies in Literature & Culture.
 Add CMLL 6000 Thesis.
 Add CMLL 7000 Independent Studies.
2. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposals
from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics:
 Add Math 6331 Riemannian Geometry.
 Add Math 6332 Geometric Mechanics.
 Add Math 6333 Introduction to Lie Groups and their Representations.
3. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposal
from the Department of Psychology:
 Add PSY 4327 Cognitive Neuroscience.
4. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposal
from the Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Sciences:
 Add ESS 3348 Youth Conditioning.
5. Pending minor revisions, the committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration
the following proposals:
 Change title and description for CMLL 5301 Research Methods and Bibliography.
 Change title and description for CMLL 5302 Literary Theory and Criticism.
 Add Math 6330 Manifold Theory.
 Change title of HIST 4382 Borderlands/Transnational History & Culture.
 Add HIST 3335 Sports and the Black Experience.
 Add HIST 4354 From Vampires to Death Tourism: The Dead in Europe since 1700.
The last regularly scheduled meeting of ASCAP this semester is scheduled for Monday, May 6, for
proposals that reach the committee and the Dean’s office by Monday, April 29.