College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)

College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)
Minutes for Meeting of Monday, February 23, 2015
A meeting of ASCAP was held on Monday, February 23 at 3:00 p.m. in Holden Hall 129. Committee members
present were: Jim Barrick, Jacob Mota, Marliss Desens, and David Roach. Presenters: Drs. Collopy, Gorsuch,
and Surliuga (CMLL), Dr. Lumpkin (Health, Exercise, & Sport Sciences), and Drs. Houk, Smithey, Morrow,
and Lowe (Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work).
The Committee voted to approve the following proposals from Classical and Modern Languages and
Literatures (CMLL):
 Add Graduate Certificate Program: English Language for Academic and Professional Purposes.
 Add CMLL 2306 (3306) World Cinema to the list of courses satisfying the TTU Multicultural
Pending minor revisions, the Committee voted to approve the following proposal from CMLL:
 Change number and description for CMLL 2306 World Cinema.
The Committee voted to table the following proposals from CMLL pending further information:
 Add ITAL 3301 Italian Culture.
 Add ITAL 3301 Italian Culture to TTU Multicultural List.
The Committee voted to approve the following proposals from Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences:
 Change title and description for ESS 3321, First Aid.
 Delete ESS 3342, Principles of Teaching Skill Themes.
 Change description for ESS 3345, Adapted Physical Activities.
 Change description for ESS 5332, Applied Physiology of Exercise.
 Change description for ESS 5334, Clinical Exercise Testing Prescription.
 Change description for PFW 2143, Swim Conditioning.
 Change number and description for PFW 2144, Advanced Swimming.
Pending minor revisions, the Committee voted to approve the following proposals from Health, Exercise,
and Sports Sciences:
 Change description for ESS 3305, Exercise Physiology.
 Change title and description for ESS 3322, Resistance Training and Conditioning.
 Change description for ESS 4368, Applied Exercise Physiology.
The Committee voted to approve the following proposals from Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work:
- Add SOC 3337 Inequity in America to the list of TTU Multicultural courses.
- Add SW 6351 Social Work for Families.
- Add SW 6357 Advanced Social Work Research.
- Add SW 6370 Special Topics.
- Add SW 6371 Mental Health Practice.
- Add SW 6464, Advanced Field 1.
- Add SW 6467, Advanced Field 2.
- Add SW 3311 and SW 3312 to A&S GER list.
The Committee voted to reject the following proposal from Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work:
 Add SW 3331 to A&S GER list.
B. Closed Session of the Committee (4:15-4:50)
C. Adjournment (5:00)
The next scheduled meeting of ASCAP is set for 3:00 Monday, March 9, 2015. Proposals for this meeting need to
reach the Dean’s office by Monday, March 2nd.