College of Arts and Sciences Committee on April 13, 2015

College of Arts and Sciences Committee on April 13, 2015
A meeting of ASCAP was held on Monday, April 13th at 3:00 p.m. in Holden Hall 129. Committee members
present were: Gretchen Adams, Jim Barrick, Kelly Cukrowicz, Marliss Desens, Jacob Mota, Matt Olson, Luis
Ramirez, and David Roach. Presenters: Drs. Lee and Horita (Geosciences), Dr. Lumpkin (Health, Exercise, &
Sport Sciences), Dr. Webb (Philosophy), and Dr. Collopy (Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures).
The Committee voted to approve the following proposals from Geosciences:
 Change title and description for GCH 5350, Stable Isotype Geochemistry.
 Add GCH 5360, Radiogenic Isotype Geochemistry.
 Add GEOG 5330, Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data.
The committee voted to approve the following proposals from Health, Exercise, and Sports Management:
 Change title for ESS 1301, Intro to Exercise Science.
 Change title for ESS 4372, Mgmt in Exercise Science Progr.
 Change title for ESS 4375, Internship in Exercise Science.
 Change title for ESS 4392, Research Methods.
 Change description for ESS 5335, Cardiopulmonary Exer Physiology.
 Change description for ESS 5336, Skeletal Muscle Physiology.
 Change description for ESS 5337, Electrocardiography.
 Change description for ESS 5339, Lab Techniques in Exer Physiology.
 Delete ESS 4345, Assessment of Physical Performance.
The Committee voted to approve the following proposals from Philosophy:
 Add PHIL 1320, Football Ethics.
 Propose PHIL 2330, Science & Society for TTU Core (Language, Philosophy, and Culture).
The Committee voted to reject the following proposal from Philosophy:
 Add PHIL 1320, Football Ethics to the TTU Core (Language, Philosophy, and Culture).
No representative from Psychological Sciences was present to present the following proposal so the
proposal was tabled.
 Change description and hours for PSY 3317, Learning and Memory.
Pending minor revisions, the Committee voted to approve the following proposal from Classical & Modern
Languages & Literatures:
 Add FREN 5330, French Translation.
B. Closed Session of the Committee (4:15 - 4:50)
C. Adjournment (5:00)
The last scheduled meeting of ASCAP for the Spring 2015 semester is set for 3:00 Monday, May 4, 2015. Proposals
for this meeting need to reach the Dean’s office by Monday, April 27th.