Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project

Office of Financial Management
Washington State Major Project
Status Report December 21, 2006
Agency Number: 699
Agency: State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Project Number: 01-2-688
School/Campus: Green River Community College
Project Title: Green River CC Science Building Replacement
Bill Reference: Chapter 26, Section 746, Laws of 2003, 1st Special Session
Contact Name, phone number, email: Tom Weisweaver, (253) 288-3332
Project Description:
Construction of the 76,000 square foot Science Center located on the Green River Community
College campus located east of the City of Auburn in southern King County, will provide
essential space to fill programmatic and administrative related goals for the college.
The new facility will allow the college to accommodate increasing enrollment pressure and
provide accredited science and health science programs needed to keep GRCC current with
industry and marketplace demand. Given the poor condition of the existing facilities, there will
be significant operational cost savings with the construction of a new facility that is equipped
with new energy efficient mechanical and electrical systems. The new facility will afford the
opportunity to centralize the college’s ‘wet lab’ science programs, to include chemistry,
physics, astronomy, life sciences, geology, and health sciences within one facility. The Science
Center is a key component in the college’s master plan, which addresses the long term strategic
and accreditation needs of the institution. The Pre-design Study established specific
requirements for the new facility to meet the college’s strategic goals and the science and health
science programs' current and emerging needs.
The current science facilities have long ago exceeded life cycle and no longer accommodate
existing demand for accredited science and health science programs because they are in poor
condition and because there simply is not a sufficient amount of space. The college needs twice
as much teaching and lab space as is currently available in order to provide the classes that are
demanded by the students and current markets. With this new facility the college will be able to
provide modern science lab facilities and classes that are applicable in current and future
science professions.
The building is located next to the recently completed Technology Center and is at the core of
the College campus, adjacent to pedestrian circulation and accessible to parking, with provisions
for easy movement of equipment in and out of the building. The facility is connected to the new
Technology Center building via a second floor ‘sky bridge’ allowing students direct access to the
open lab computer facilities in the Technology Center.
Square feet: 76,000 sq. ft.
Scope Changes: None
Project Total Cost: $29,903,753
Other (Approp/Non
F17 – Fund 057
F59 – Fund 057
H68 – Fund 057
H68 – Fund 057
$ 100,000
$ 2,396,409
$ 24,475,591
$ 2,931,753
Predesign Complete
Start Design
Bid Date
Notice to Proceed
50% Complete
Substantial Completion
Final Acceptance
Budget Schedule
12/31/06 (Forecast)
1/26/07 (Contract)
Variance (wks)
Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction:
Construction for the project began on August 1, 2005 after a one month delay in
receiving a complete set of building permits. However, due to an early bid date and an
aggressive construction schedule, the delayed start will not impact the schedules for
Substantial Completion or Final Acceptance.
Final site work paving, curbs, and landscaping are complete.
Exterior and interior punch lists are being created and addressed with a goal of substantial
completion by December 31, 2006. (see photos below)
Construction continues to meet critical milestones and will be completed by the extended
contract date of January 26, 2007. A thorough commissioning and check out of the
complex HVAC and mechanical systems is currently underway. Furniture, Lab,
Information Technology and Telecommunications equipment will be installed during
winter and spring quarters 2007. Classes will be scheduled as planned in general purpose
classrooms in summer quarter, 2007 and all classrooms and labs in fall quarter, 2007.
See photos below
Contract Award History
A/E Agreement
Predesign Agreement
Original Agreement
Pending Changes
Current Design
Construction Contract (excl. sales tax)
$ 103,934
$ 1,603,825
$ 750,156
$ 2,457,915
$ 42,288
Bid Award Amount
Change Orders
Pending Changes
Current Construction
$ 2,134,267
$ 168,525
$ 21,279,792
$ 27,947
Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims
No planning oversight cost overruns are anticipated.
Discussion of Project Quality
The New Science Center project is both a product of the campus master planning process
and a key instrument for the master planning process. It has been developed and
designed using campus building standards, county codes and regulatory requirements,
current sustainable design and energy standards, and finally, a systematic faculty, staff,
and design team approach to assure that critical programmatic needs of the college are
met. The building site is located adjacent to several parking areas and accommodates a
comprehensive site development plan to include sustainable storm detention,
landscaping, pathway and plaza provisions. A concerted effort has been made to
incorporate key sustainable design features and aggressive energy efficiency measures in
the design of the new building. The attached photos give an indication of the quality of
the steel and masonry clad building which is indicative of the standards for all new
buildings constructed on the Green River campus.
Exterior from the southwest
Geology Classroom
Mechanical Penthouse
Second story sky bridge to Technology Center