Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report Agency Number

Office of Financial Management
Washington State Major Project Status Report
May 20, 2015
Agency Number: 699
Agency: SBCTC
Project Number: 30000128, DES #2013-174
School/Campus: South Seattle College
Project Title: Integrated Education Center (Cascade Court Replacement)
Bill Reference(s):
Contact name, phone number, email:
Frank Ashby
Vice President, Administrative Services
Project Description:
The new Integrated Education Center (IEC) replaces the existing Cascade Court Building (CAS)
and provides for expanding growth in the Health Care Programs and needs for basic skills
training. The facility will accommodate 140 new projected FTE’s. This project provides an
opportunity to address a unique blend of programs through diverse learning modalities and set a
new standard for building along the western edge of campus.
The IEC will integrate classroom and lab space for the Health Care Programs, Adult Basic
Education, and ESL programs as well as a supporting faculty suite. Co-location of these
programs will increase the efficacy of V-ESL, I-BEST and Nursing NAC-LPN-RN ladder to
better serve ethnic minority students and students with emerging English skills.
The integration of Health Care Programs and Basic Skills provides a distinct opportunity to
represent the linkages between these two instructional areas and provide an environment for
academic and professional transitions and relationships. This building will provide an
atmosphere that is welcoming, conducive to learning in many modes and a desirable place to
engage students. The various modes and styles of learning through discourse and lab areas,
engaging informal learning spaces and interactive environments will provide daylight,
technology transparency and mobile furniture.
The IEC represents the first phase for the College to build on the western campus embankment
and take the first steps in implementing the Campus Master Plan. This location offers an
opportunity to improve the visibility and identity of the College along 16th Ave SW and the
adjacent neighborhood. The project will be scaled and articulated to provide a balance and
transition between the scale of the campus and neighboring homes.
Square feet:
1st Floor:
24,603 sf
2 Floor:
20,002 sf
3rd Floor:
Total :
12,728 sf
57,333 sf
Scope changes:
There have been no significant scope changes since the Predesign study was completed.
Project Total Cost:
Other (Approp/Non Approp)
SSC funded
MACC = $21,453,532
Predesign Complete
Start Design
Bid Date
Notice to Proceed
50% Complete
Substantial Completion
Final Acceptance
Budget Schedule
July 2012
July 2013
June 2015
July 2015
May 2015
January 2017
June 2017
July 2012
July 2013
July 2015 F
Variance (wks)
Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction:
The project was funded for Design to be performed in the 2013-15 biennium. Construction
documents are 80% complete, the MACC scope was recently estimated at $21.4 million, which
is 0.56% under the MACC budget.
The project is in the final stage of Construction Documents which was scheduled for completion
June 1, 2015. The current legislative cycle proposes a 10% budget cut to the project. Both
MACC and soft costs are being reviewed for possible cost reductions. The design team has
proposed a series of options for both site and building reductions in order to meet the proposed
budget cut. Due to proposed budget cuts the project schedule has been delayed to document the
revised scope.
The project was submitted for a Land Use, Master Use Permit in September 2014, this review is
ongoing. The City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods has been having difficulty
convening a Standing Advisory Committee to review the project as required by the city and the
College MIMP. Building was submitted for permit on January 26, 2015, initial review comments
have been received. Permit resubmittal is currently on hold due to scope modifications resulting
from the budget cut.
Contract Award History
A/E Agreement
Original Agreement
Amendments (1-25)
Pending Changes
Current Design
Construction Contract (excl. sales tax)
Bid Award Amount $
Change Orders
Pending Changes
Total $
Current Construction
$ 1,031,764.71
$ 681,640.00
$ 0
$ 1,713,404.71
$ 373,595.29
Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims
Site development and site utilities remain the biggest risk to the project for unforeseen
conditions. The design team has completed additional site surveys and utility potholing to
confirm location of utilities.
Discussion of Project Quality
The building will be durable, easy to maintain and cost effective to operate. Finish materials
(i.e., brick and metal siding, sealed concrete floors, etc.) will be easy to maintain, with minimal
manpower, and which can withstand the level of use typical at a higher educational facility
without losing their appeal.
Sustainability design goals for the project target achievement of a Silver LEED sustainability rating.
Current project assessment, scores the project within the Silver certification level.
Project Photographs (Attached)
Entry Plaza
IEC – 50% CD’s
January 2015
Main Lobby Sign Detail Development
IEC – 50% CD’s
January 2015