Minutes for November 13, 2014
MSC - Badger Room, 2:00 p.m.
Approved 12/9/14
MEMBERS PRESENT: Siri Bell, Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Don Gjestson, Justin Krahn, Karen Pauly,
Joshua Schram, Toni Simons, Becky Simonson, Deb Tallman, Debra Tenorio, Joan
Wahl, Julie Zack
ABSENT: Kim Karis, Robin Melland, Breck Schwartz
GUEST: Meridith Drzakowski
Call to Order
A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet
B. Motion to approve agenda (Tenorio/Frey) approved by consent.
Minutes: Motion to approve the 10/14/14 minutes (Wahl/Tenorio) approved by consent.
A. Meridith Drzakowski provided information on the Focus 2020 process and the
development of goal statements that will guide the university for the next five years.
Draft 2 includes three goal statements: (1) create a supportive environment that
encourages, promotes and incentivizes the use of innovative, high-impact, evidencebased instructional models and practices, (2) all undergraduate majors will identify at
least one applied, research, and curriculum-based experience each that develops
intercultural competencies, and (3) develop centralized systems that support, increase
and sustain external partnerships. Open forums have been scheduled, and an online
feedback form is available. An updated draft will be presented to the campus in
January, and then presented to SPG and the Chancellor for approval.
B. Classified staff teleconference: Wahl and Schram reported on the October 31 classified
staff teleconference which included discussion on development of grievance
procedures, and Stout’s process for developing recruitment procedures. System and HR
administrators have approved bi-weekly benefit deductions for classified staff, which
will start sometime after July 1. The next teleconference is November 24 and Al Crist,
Senior Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Workforce Diversity, UWSA,
will be attending. Wahl noted that the UW-Stout poll sent to all classified staff about
participating in classified recruitment focus groups mistakenly closed early, but was
fixed. Not all CADC members received an invitation to attend a focus group meeting;
Wahl will contact PARQ about adding members who would like to participate but did
not receive an invitation.
C. Sub-Committees
i. Awards & Development: no report
ii. Bylaws: Entzminger reported that he was selected chair of the committee, and
that the Personnel & Compensation Committee brought a concern about the
need to clarify the Election Committee responsibilities in the bylaws. Proposed
revisions to Article VI have been made and are available for review on
Sharepoint. A vote on the revision will be on the December CADC agenda.
iii. Election: Frey reported that there was a tie for the classified representative for
the provost search committee and Sali Mounce won by a coin toss.
iv. Personnel & Compensation: Wahl and Schram reported that the group is
working on the grievance procedure and making good progress. Members
discussed possibly scheduling open forums to gather input.
New Business
A. New Budget Model: Phil Lyons will be attending the December meeting to present the
new budget model. Wahl will forward the information when she receives it.
Public Comments: none
Motion to adjourn (Wahl/Gjestson) at 3:05 p.m.
Recorded and prepared by,
Becky Simonson, Secretary
Next Meeting: December 9, 2014, 9:30 a.m. in MSC-Badger Room