MINUTES CLASSIFIED ADVISORY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL – SPECIAL TASK MEETING February 4, 2014 – 10:00 a.m. MSC, Birch Room MEMBERS PRESENT: ABSENT: Deb Wik GUEST: Debra Gehrke I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Terry McCann, Karen Pauly, Joshua Schram, Toni Simons, Becky Simonson, Debbie Tenorio, Joan Wahl, Julie Zack Call to Order A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet B. Motion to approve agenda (Wahl/Simonson) approved by consent. Minutes A. Motion to approve January 16, 2014 minutes (Zack/Tenorio) approved by consent. Announcements A. The advertisements for the Chancellor’s position went out February 3, and there will be one more community forum tonight at the Menomonie Public Library. New Business A. UW-System Classified Staff Governance Executive Summary: Debra Gehrke explained that this document governs classified staff and provides the right to select representatives to participate in governance. Discussion continued on the number of CADC members and if the council should report directly to the Chancellor. Wahl reminded members that a request to increase the number of members to 15 was sent last year but no response has been received to date; members agreed that 15 still seems appropriate in relation to the total number of classified staff and representation needed on many campus committees. A motion to recommend that CADC report directly to the Chancellor (Wahl/Frey) was approved unanimously by voice vote. McCann and D. Gehrke will forward the recommendations to increase membership and report directly to the Chancellor. If approved, these changes will require a revision to the CADC bylaws. Pauly, Schram, Simonson (chair of sub-committee), and Tenorio volunteered to look at the number of classified employees in each of the three divisions on campus and make a recommendation for numbers of representatives from each division. Frey volunteered to coordinate the election survey that will take place this spring, and new members will begin their term this fall. It was also discussed whether term limits should be increased from two to three years, and one-third (5) of current members will be replaced with five news members beginning Fall 2015. This change would also require a revision to the by-laws. An orientation packet or program for new CADC members will be useful; Human Resources and the Faculty Senate/Senate of Academic Staff office can help gather this information. Old Business A. Supplemental Compensation Plan Phase 2: Wahl announced that the Chancellor has approved our recommendation for distribution of these funds to classified staff, and she will announce by individual email to all classified staff. Adjournment at 11:40 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Becky Simonson, Secretary Next Meeting: February 11, 2014 (Cancelled) February 18, 2014, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m., MSC-Birch Room (Special Task Meeting)