Minutes for December 9, 2014
MSC – White Pine Room, 9:00 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Siri Bell, Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Don Gjestson, Kim Karis, Justin Krahn,
Robin Melland, Karen Pauly, Breck Schwartz, Toni Simons, Becky Simonson, Deb
Tallman, Debra Tenorio, Joan Wahl, Julie Zack
ABSENT: Joshua Schram
GUESTS: Dean Sankey, Phil Lyons
Call to Order
A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet
B. Motion to approve agenda (Wahl/Gjestson) approved by consent.
Minutes: Motion to approve the 11/13/14 minutes (Tenorio/Pauly) approved by consent.
A. Sub-Committees
i. Awards & Development: no report
ii. Bylaws: Members discussed changing the name of the council to reflect the
upcoming change from classified to university staff. An electronic vote will take
place the week of December 15 and the new title will be effective July 1, 2015.
The new title will be used in documents currently being developed for UPS.
iii. Election: Dana Stone has been selected as the classified representative on the
Americans with Disabilities Act Committee.
iv. Personnel & Compensation: Wahl reported that the committee has been
working closely with Human Resources on the Employee Grievance Procedure
document, and committee members provided a review of changes that were
made from the previous procedures. All classified staff received an invitation to
two open forums scheduled for December 10 to discuss and provide input on
the working draft. CADC members will vote on the final draft next week. The
document will then be sent to the Chancellor and BOR by January 1 for
New Business
A. Supervisor Safety Evaluation: Dean Sankey distributed drafts of the Supervisor Safety
Responsibilities and Supervisor Safety Evaluation documents. These documents will be
used for supervisor evaluations only, and mostly for those in ASLS division. Governors
Thompson and Walker established executive orders that accountability standards be
established for managers/supervisors to reduce injuries and illnesses and enhance
workplace health and safety. UW-System is pushing for chargebacks for workman
compensation premiums, early return to work, and management lead safety. Council
members provided input and suggestions. The committee hopes to have the form and
process finalized and in place by January 1, and to be used for 2015 performance
B. Budget Model Revision: Phil Lyons presented on the university’s current budget model
and the budget model review and revision initiative. A committee was charged by
Chancellor Sorensen in January 2014 to explore the possibility of a budget model that
focused on incentive-based funding. While much of the discussion focused on academic
colleges, it was important that non-academic and support service areas also be
included. Four subcommittees (1) determined if reallocation was needed to address
enrollment fluctuations, (2) examined support services outside of academic areas, (3)
developed the narrative for why a change was needed, and (4) focused on the process
of how a new budget model might be adopted. The Budget Model Review Committee is
proposing that base dollars be shifted to account for changing enrollment and use of the
Nevada Model multipliers to allocate excess tuition (enrollment growth) funding using a
comparison of FY14 and 3-year SCH. Support services benchmarking is being conducted
by outside consultant Educational Advisory Board, starting with an in-depth review of
the Physical Plant, and other areas to follow in the future. The white paper will be
revised and informational sessions scheduled for professional development week in
January. Lyons’ presentation and other information, and the opportunity to provide
feedback, are available on the committee’s website.
Public Comments: none
Motion to adjourn (Wahl/Zack) at 11:13 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by,
Becky Simonson, Secretary
Next Meeting: January 8, 2015, 2:00 p.m., MSC-Badger Room