UNIVERSITY STAFF SENATE Minutes for August 11, 2015

Minutes for August 11, 2015
MSC – Northwoods Room - 9:30 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Don Gjestson, Kim Karis, Justin Krahn, Robin
Melland, Jenn Nichols, Joshua Schram, Breck Schwartz, Toni Simons, Becky
Simonson, Deb Tallman, Joan Wahl, Julie Zack
ABSENT: Karen Pauly, Debbie Tenorio
GUESTS: Tara Boyette, Jeremy Janiak, Jason Jenson, Diane Longsdorf, Dana Stone
Call to Order
A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet
B. Motion to approve agenda (Wahl/Frey) approved by consent. Wahl recognized the
senators whose terms end this month and thanked them for their service.
A photo of 2015-16 senators was taken.
Minutes: Motion to approve the 7/9/15 minutes (Wahl/Gjestson) approved by consent.
A. A teleconference with Al Crist and university staff councils will be held August 13.
B. The next teleconference for university staff councils is August 12.
C. The executive board met with the senate office and discussed streamlining office support
activities and aligning USS with faculty and academic staff senates. The USS chair will
always serve on CAC; the USS chair, vice chair, and one at-large representative determined
by the executive board, will serve on the SPG. University committee representatives will
be determined through elections administered by the senate office, and nominations for
membership on USS sub-committees will be accepted by a survey and elected by senators.
Human Resources would like informal senate groups to work on streamlining employee
D. Chancellor Meyer has approved adding a university staff marshall.
E. The new employee fair will be August 26. Schram volunteered to attend and represent
F. Tallman announced that she is retiring January 1 and a replacement to serve on USS has
not been appointed yet.
G. Schwartz announced that he is retiring August 31.
H. Due to conflicts with the first week of classes, the September meeting will be changed to
September 17 at 2:00 p.m.
Sub Committee Reports
A. Awards & Development: Zack reported that another cover letter and resume workshop
provided by Career Services had been planned for August but will be postponed until
September; the employee appreciation awards will begin again in September; and
suggestions are needed for presenters for professional development day.
B. Bylaws: No updates.
C. Election: Frey reported that the review-hearing panel pool has been identified and
members will be notified; the committee is working on the list of elections needed this fall;
and a recommendation was made to have sub-committee elections before terms expire.
D. Personnel & Compensation: Wahl reported the committee is close to completing the
complaint procedure; clarification has been requested on the different procedure for
approval of the university staff recruitment procedure; and a concern has been raised
about overtime policies and procedures. Senators reviewed the most recent draft of the
review-hearing panel document; Wahl will make the suggested changes and distribute for
review and a vote for approval.
Budget Update: The voluntary separation program has ended.
UPS Open Forums: Because the procedures have not received final approval, the layoff and
complaint/grievance forums have been postponed until further notice.
Public Comments: none
Motion to adjourn (Wahl/Schwartz) at 10:50 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by,
Becky Simonson, Secretary
Next Meeting: September 17 at 2:00 p.m. in MSC - Northwoods Room