Minutes for March 12, 2015
MSC – Northwoods Room, 2:00 p.m.
Approved 4/16/15
MEMBERS PRESENT: Siri Bell, Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Kim Karis, Karen Pauly, Joshua Schram,
Breck Schwartz, Toni Simons, Becky Simonson, Deb Tallman, Joan Wahl, Julie Zack
ABSENT: Don Gjestson, Justin Krahn, Robin Melland, Debbie Tenorio
GUESTS: Krista James, Kirk Miller, Adam Ludwig, Amy Luethmers
Call to Order
A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet
B. Motion to approve agenda (Wahl/Simons), with the addition of nominations for two Board
of Regents committees, approved by consent.
Minutes: Motion to approve the 2/10/15 minutes (Wahl/Karis), with one correction to item
IV.A.iv., grievant will receive 100% reimbursement of arbitrator fees if decision is favorable for the
employee, approved by consent.
Krista James, chair of SAS, discussed the potential opportunity for classified staff to vote for
academic department chairs. The FASLA handbook prevents classified staff from voting, but the
current chair of Faculty Senate is open to discussion and consideration of a change if requested. If
CADC would like to pursue, James recommended meeting with the chair of Faculty Senate.
Kirk Miller and Adam Ludwig, co-chairs of the Safety and Workmen’s Compensation Committee,
presented on the new safety incentive program in place for over a year. Departments using the
program have had zero time loss so far. The committee has been charged this year to develop a
proposal for an employee return to work policy. This policy may move workman’s compensation
expenses from HR to the department of the injured employee. April 16 is the annual night walk to
check campus lighting, hiding places, etc., and all are welcome to participate. The committee’s
next meeting is April 14.
Amy Luethmers, Director of University Marketing, explained the revisions made to the Identity and
Publication Standard Policy, (1) updated committee name, (2) updated section 3 on standards and
uses, (3) updated committee membership, (4) addressed student based projects, (5) clarified
contact information, and (6) grammar and format changes. A motion was made (Wahl/Schwartz)
to accept the revised policy as submitted. Motion approved unanimously by a show of hands. Use
of updated letterhead and envelopes will be required starting July 1.
A. Sub-Committees
i. Awards & Development: no report
ii. Bylaws: A motion was made (Pauly/Schwartz) to accept the proposed change in
bylaws Article VI: Elections, changing a coin toss to a run-off election in the event
of a tie vote for council membership. MC unanimously by voice vote.
iii. Election: Frey reported that nominations for CADC membership are currently
being accepted. Incumbents who have volunteered to have their term end this
year were asked to confirm with Frey that they do not want to be listed on the
iv. Personnel & Compensation: no report
Nominations for Board of Regents Committees: Two task forces will be appointed to recommend
new or revised BOR policies on shared governance and tenure. UW chancellors may each submit
up to five recommendations to serve on these task forces. Three [classified] university staff
members will serve on the shared governance task force. A survey will be sent to classified staff
seeking volunteers.
Budget Concerns: A memo has been sent to academic custodial staff asking for volunteers to
transfer to five custodial openings in Student Life Services. SLS positions are paid with auxiliary
revenues. Academic square footage areas will be expanded. A budget open forum for Physical
Plant staff will be held during Spring Break.
Public Comments: none
Motion to adjourn (Wahl/Bell) at 3:43 p.m.
Recorded and prepared by,
Becky Simonson, Secretary
Next Meeting: April 16, 2015, 9:30 a.m., MSC - Northwoods Room