MINUTES CLASSIFIED ADVISORY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL – SPECIAL TASK MEETING April 1, 2014 – 10:00 a.m. MSC, Birch Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Terry McCann, Karen Pauly, Joshua Schram, Toni Simons, Becky Simonson, Joan Wahl, Deb Wik, Julie Zack GUEST: Meridith Drzakowski I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Call to Order A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet B. Motion to approve agenda (Zack/Wahl) approved by consent. MRA Market Study: Meridith Drzakowski provided information about the market study being conducted by MRA, a regional firm hired by UW-Stout. The study will gather salary data for higher education and similar markets for current OSER classified titles and unclassified titles that do not have a CUPA code. It is likely that not all titles will have comparable data available. The final report is expected in May and will be distributed to campus. Minutes A. Motion to approve March 13, 2014 minutes (Wahl/Frey) approved by consent with friendly amendments to change item III.C. to “Topics discussed included” and a spelling correction in item IV.A. New Business A. Meeting with Regent Farrow: Wahl and Zack, and other campus governance representatives, met with Regent Farrow on March 28. Regent Farrow has a long history in governmental positions, and looks forward to working with new UW-System President Ray Cross. It was a very positive meeting. Old Business A. Classified Governance Workshop: Additional information about the workshop was sent to CADC members this morning; Wahl, Zack and Simons plan to attend. B. Classified Performance Review Form: Wahl and McCann met with Deb Gehrke to discuss three options for the revision of the classified performance review form: pursue a web-based format with other UW schools, but this will take some time and will be costly to implement; pursue a web-based format with other schools, but continue to revise the current form to use in the meantime; or, complete the revision to the form and not pursue a web-based format. All agreed that the current form needs to be revised and ready for 2014 reviews. C. CADC Membership and Restructuring: The Chancellor has approved the request to increase membership to 15. The revised Committee Establishment Form was distributed. The request for restructuring is on hold and will be revisited after the new Chancellor is hired. D. Nominations and Election: The nomination and election process timeline was determined. Emails will be sent to all classified staff prior to the nomination and election surveys. Six representatives from ASLS and one at-large representative will be elected. Resume and Interviewing Workshops: Wahl met with Cally Henderson to discuss planning of these workshops. It was suggested that the workshops could be break-out sessions scheduled for classified professional development day in the fall, and during professional development week in January. Zack recommended Tim Pflieger of Team Leadership Center as a possible VII. presenter for classified professional development day in November. Additional information on pricing and availability will be requested, and discussion will continue at the next meeting. Motion to adjourn (Wahl/Pauly) at 11:15 a.m. Recorded and prepared by, Becky Simonson, Secretary Next Meeting: April 8, 2014, 10:00 a.m., MSC-Badger Room