Approved 6/9/15
Minutes for May 14, 2015
MSC – Northwoods Room, 2:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Siri Bell, Josh Entzminger, Darlene Frey, Don Gjestson, Kim Karis, Justin Krahn, Robin
Melland, Karen Pauly, Joshua Schram, Breck Schwartz, Toni Simons, Becky
Simonson, Deb Tallman, Joan Wahl, Julie Zack
ABSENT: Debbie Tenorio
GUESTS: Chancellor Meyer, Tara Boyette, Jeremy Janiak, Jason Jenson, Diane Longsdorf,
Dana Stone
Call to Order
A. Roll Call – Sign attendance sheet
B. Motion to approve agenda (Wahl/Frey) approved by consent.
Minutes: Motion to approve the 4/16/15 minutes (Wahl/Frey) with one correction to next meeting
time approved by consent.
Chancellor Meyer attended and provided an update on campus activities. There is no news on the
budget. The Joint Finance Committee is in session and going over the Governor’s proposed budget.
It appears that public authority for the UW-System will be removed from the proposal. Budget cuts
will be devastating; the Chancellor’s cabinet is seriously reviewing suggestions and ideas provided
by the campus and the SPG subcommittee and will attempt to shrink the budget as strategically as
possible. There were 272 university faculty and staff eligible for the volunteer separation program;
the deadline to apply is May 20. The Chancellor was asked about the high level of angst among
custodial services and potential outsourcing, to which he responded that while no one has been
contacted to do a study about potential fiscal savings by outsourcing, all areas will need to be
looked at when the final budget cut numbers are available. A question about the Huron report and
its recommendation on campus IT was also asked, and the Chancellor replied that UW-System is
looking at a way to centralize IT, but our campus IT is unique. Schram asked the Chancellor to not
forget about classified staff in discussions about salaries and referred the Chancellor to the
classified staff market compensation study completed in 2014.
Sub Committee Reports
A. Awards & Development: Zack reported that there was a good turnout at the classified
appreciation award reception this morning. Joy Evenson won the drawing for the
additional cash award.
B. Bylaws: no report
C. Election: Elections for executive committee members for 2015-16 were held.
i. Chair: Entzminger and Zack were nominated; Zack withdrew from consideration.
Entzminger was elected by a vote of 14-0-0.
ii. Vice Chair: Wahl was the only nomination received and was elected by a vote of
iii. Secretary: Gjestson and Zack were nominated; Gjestson withdrew from
consideration. Zack was elected by a vote of 14-0-0.
D. Personnel & Compensation: no report
Public Comments: none
Motion to adjourn (Wahl/Pauly) at 3:30 p.m.
Recorded and prepared by,
Becky Simonson, Secretary
Next Meeting: June 9, 2015, 9:30 a.m., 146 Price Commons