Psychology Final Exam Review

Psychology Final Exam Review
65 Multiple Choice Questions from the entire semester
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basic science, applied science
(2) Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis
(3) John B. Watson, behaviorism
(4) Hypothesis, and the scientific method
(5) Wilhelm Wundt
(6) Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers = Humanistic Psychology
(7) experimental and control groups
(8) independent, dependent, and confounding variables
(9) blind and double-blind studies
(10) naturalistic observations
(11) measures of central tendency: mean, median, and mode
(12) maturation
(13) Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
(14) physical peak
(15) Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, stages of grief
(16) Erik Erikson
(17) the nervous system and neurotransmitters
(18) the endocrine system and hormones
(19) nature-nurture
(20) hypnosis and relaxation
(21) depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens
(22) hallucinations
(23) delusions
(24) motion parallax
(25) 5 principles of Gestalt Psychology
(26) perceptual inference
(27) color deficiency
(28) operant conditioning (Skinner) and classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov)
(29) avoidance conditioning, aversive conditioning, and punishment
(30) automatic responses vs. learned responses
(31) learned helplessness
(32) acquisition and extinction
(33) generalization and discrimination
(34) observational learning, Albert Bandura
(35) sensory memory, short term (working) memory, long term memory
(36) recognition and recall
(37) maintenance rehearsal
(38) flash bulb memories, eidetic memory, and insight
(39) chunking
(40) George Miller, short term memory limited to 7 items
(41) test reliability and validity
(42) encoding, storage, and retrieval
(43) recombination, set thinking, and functional fixedness
(44) obese people, external cues
(45) homeostasis
(46) expectancy value theory
(47) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
(48) Schachter-Singer Theory
(49) opponent-process theory
(51) Stanford-Binet Test
(52) interest inventories and intelligence tests
(53) Freud’s Personality Theory (id, ego, superego)
(54) Freud’s defense mechanisms
(55) extraverts vs. introverts
(56) collective unconscious
(57) Carl Rogers personality theory; the person and the self
(58) B.F. Skinner’s personality theory; behaviorism
(59) “fight or flight”
(60) self actualization
(61) nonverbal communication
(62) stereotypes
(63) first impressions
(64) paranoid-type schizophrenia
(65) obedience to authority
(66) Cognitive Factors Theory and children learning aggressive behavior from the media
(67) social facilitation and social inhibition
(68) internalization
(69) Gerontologists and Gerontology
(70) clinical psychologist and health psychologist
(71) contemporary psychologists; experimental and applied
(72) research on the effects of day care
(73) forensic psychology
(74) personnel director’s responsibilities
(75) Stanley Schachter’s Theory, James-Lange Theory, and Cannon-Bard Theory