
Unit 2 Test Review
Chapter 3 Psychology
Define Psychology
6 Branches of Psychology
Define Sensation
Define Perception
Difference between Sensation and
3 Factors Influencing Perception
Connection to Learning
Define Cognition
Define Learning
When and How does learning take place?
What is the role of innate drives on human
What are the two major types of learning?
Define Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov’s Dogs
How do you create a Conditioned
Operant Conditioning
Conditioning—Practical Examples Beer and
Little Albert
B.F. Skinner
Significance of Rewards and Punishments
Observational Learning
4 Stages of Observational Learning
Define Memory
3 Levels of Memory and what they do
How is memory improved?
What are the four basic kinds of thinking?
How many stages of Sleep?
What is REM Sleep? Why is it important?
Purpose of Sleep
Purpose of Dreams
Chapter 4 Motivation and Emotion
Define Motivation
Motivation-Role of Nature vs. Nurture
Biological vs. Social Motivation
Sigmund Freud
Freud’s Theory of the Mind: Ego, Id,
Role of Unconscious Mind
Abraham Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs
Define Emotion
How do emotions affect human behaviour?
3 Components of Emotions
3 Factors Shaping Emotional Make-up
Define/Explain Fight or Flight
Main Hormones Associated with Emotions
Body language and facial expressions—role
Describe Harlow Experiment
Key Findings of Harlow Experiment
Define Love
2 Major Forms of Love
3 Major Ingredients of Love
6 Attitudes to Love
General Biological/Physiological Responses
to Love
Criteria for Physical Attraction
Evolutionary Perspective on Attraction
Chapter 5 Mental Illness
Define Stress
Causes of Stress
Stress Cognitive Appraisal
Positive vs. Negative Stress
Mental Illness
8 Major types of Mental Illness and