Chapter 15 (pg. 595-637)

Unit 3 Vocabulary and Learning Summaries
Chapter 15 (pg. 595-637)
1. Personality
2. Free Association
3. Psychoanalysis
4. Unconscious
5. Id
6. Ego
7. Superego
8. Psychosexual stages
9. Oedipus complex
10. Identification
11. Fixation
12. Defense Mechanisms
13. Repression
14. Regression
15. Reaction formation
16. Projection
17. Rationalization
18. Displacement
19. Collective unconscious
20. Projective test
21. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
22. Rorschach inkblot test
23. Terror-management theory
24. Self-actualization
25. Unconditional positive regard
26. Self-concept
27. Trait
28. Personality inventory
29. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
30. Empirically derived test
31. Social-cognitive perspective
32. Reciprocal determinism
33. Personal control
34. External locus of control
35. Internal locus of control
36. Positive psychology
37. Spotlight effect
38. Self-esteem
39. Self-serving bias
Learning Summaries
Directions: As you read the assigned chapters, answer the following questions below in complete sentences.
1. In a paragraph, explain Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis through the image of an iceberg (pg. 596-598)
2. Explain each of the 6 main defense mechanisms (pg. 599-600)
Repression –
Regression –
Reaction Formation –
Projection –
Rationalization –
Displacement –
3. What was Carl Jung’s main contribution to psychology? (pg. 601)
4. In a paragraph, explain psychology’s current evidence on Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. (pg. 604-607)
5. What differing viewpoint on human nature did humanists share that Freud and Skinner did not? (pg. 609)
6. Why did Rogers believe in unconditional positive regard? (pg. 610)
7. Explain each of the Big Five. (pg. 618-619)
Conscientiousness –
Agreeableness –
Neuroticism –
Openness –
Extraversion –
8. What is the person-situation controversy? (pg. 619-620)
9. Explain how the biopsychosocial approach determines our personality? (pg. 624)
10. How does optimism and pessimism effect our overall outlook on life? (pg. 627-629)
Optimism –
Pessimism –
11. What is at least one explanation for the correlation between low self-esteem and personal problems? (pg.
12. What is one of the dark sides of self-serving bias? (pg. 634-636)