History, Part 3

History, Part 3
Cognitive Psychology: This is a perspective in
which researchers used the standard “StimulusResponse” model and simply added “thinking”
back into it. Stimulus-think-Respond. For a
cognitive psychologist behaviour is about how
you process information as well as how you
perceive your environment.
Jean Piaget watched children playing and began
to think that as a young person’s brain becomes
more developed, so does their level of play.
• Sensory – Motor (0-2)
• Pre-operational
• Concrete Operations (7-12)
• Formal Operations (12 and up)
Ulrich Neisser: As computer technology started
to grow, some psychologists started to see
parallels between the new technology and the
structure of the mind. You must Encode data,
Store data, then Retrieve data. If any
information is stored incorrectly, then it is also
retrieved incorrectly.
Ant Table Kitchen Jelly Sweet
Your brain doesn’t just randomly store data, it
tries to organize it so it makes sense.
1962: Humanism. This last perspective was
started by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
(both were therapists). They called themselves
“the third force.” (Freud, Behaviourism, then
themselves apparently.)
Rogers: “Client centered” therapy focused on
the individual. It was non-directive, and stated
that if allowed to grow, the person could find a
positive solution to their own problems.
• Unconditional Positive Regard
Maslow: Maslow did not like psychoanalysis and
stated that Freud could not have helped many
people as he had no idea what it meant to be
healthy. “A study of cripples yields a crippled
psychology.” Ouch!
• The Hierarchy of needs: Physical needs first,
then mental and emotional needs.
• Self actualization: “Be all you can be,” but no
in the Army.
Self Actualization:
A greater perception of reality
A greater knowledge of self
More concern for others
More need for autonomy
Someone like Thomas Jefferson who had many
different interests as well as expertise in many
Humanism came from Existentialist philosophy.
• Both are subjective and not easily measured
• Both stress human uniqueness
• Both believe strongly in Free Will
• Both are based n therapeutic techniques
• Both believe that distortions in the self stunt
personal growth
Albert Bandura
Do violent Video games or Rap Music “make”
people violent?
Bo-Bo-doll experiment.
Modeling, Imitation, Vicarious learning, Latent
learning all help shape behaviour.