Latin I-B 29. vīta, -ae, f life Stages 13-16 Vocab List Adjectives 30. aeger, -a, -um Nouns sick 31. aliquis, somone 1. aedificium, -ī, n building Aliquid something 2. aqua, -ae, f water 32. alius, alia, aliud 3. aula, -ae, f palace 33. alter -a, -um 4. auxilium, ī n help 34. attonitus, -a, -um astonished 5. coniurātiō, -ōnis, f plot 35. cēterī, -ae, -a others/rest 6. consilium, ī n 36. commodus, -a, -um convenient idea/thought 7. custōs, -ōdis, m guard other other/another 37. decōrus, -a, -um proper 8. deus, -ī, m god 38. difficilis, -is, -e difficult 9. domina, -ae, f mistress 39. fessus, -a, -um tired 10. donum, -ī, n gift 40. fidēlis, -is, -e faithful 11. effigiēs, -eī, f statue 41. fractus, -a, -um broken 12. equus, -ī, m horse 42. ipse, ipsa, ipsum himself/herself 13. faber, fabrī m 43. iste, ista, istud that no good 44. melior, melius better craftsmen 14. familiāris, -is, c relative 15. flos, floris m flower 16. horreum, -ī, n barn/granary 17. imperator, is m emperor 18. lectus, -ī, m couch 19. mare, -is, n ocean/sea 20. marītus, -ī, m husband 21. nauta, -ae, m sailor 22. ordō, -inis, m row/line 23. plaustrum, -ī, wagon 24. prīnceps, -ipis, m chief 25. rēx, rēgis, m king 26. sacerdōs, -ōtis, m 27. saxum, -ī, n rock 28. unda, -ae, f wave priest 45. miser, -a, -um sad 46. necesse 47. nōbilis, -is, -e necessary noble 48. novus, -a, -um new 49. nūllus, -a, -um none 50. parātus, -a, -um prepared 51. quī, quae, quod who, whom 52. summus, a, um greatest Verbs 85. trahō, trahere to drag 53. adveniō,advenīre to arrive 86. volō, velle to want, wish 54. aedificō, aedificāre to build 87. verto, vertere to turn 55. cantō, cantāre to sing 88. vincō, vincere to win 56. claudō, claudere to shut/close 89. vulnerō, vulnerāre to wound 57. consentiō, consentīre to agree 58. debeō, dēbēre to owe Miscellaneous 59. dēcidō, dēcidere to fall 90. apud + Acc. at house of, among 60. delectō, delectāre to please 91. cotīdiē everyday 61. dēleō, dēlēre to destroy 92. deinde then 62. dērideō, deridēre to mock 93. dīligenter carefully 63. dīcō, dīcere to say 94. etiam even, also, too 64. dimitto, dimittere to dismiss 95. inter + acc between 65. effugiō, effugere to escape 96. ita thus, in this way 66. sum, esse, fuī to be 97. ita vērō yes indeed 67. excitō, excitāre to wake up 98. lentē slowly 68. impediō, impedīre to delay/hinder 99. nonne? Surely yes? 69. interficiō, interficere to kill 100. num? surely no? 70. lavō, lavāre to wash 101. postridiē on the next day 71. navigō, navigare to sail 102. quam how/than 72. nolō, nōlle to not want 103. quamquam although 73. numerō, numerāre to count 104. -que and 74. pereō, perīre to die 105. se himself, herself 75. pono, ponere to place 106. simulac/simulatque at the same time 76. possum, posse to be able 107. ubi when/where 77. praesum, praeesse + Dat to be in charge 78. puniō, punīre to punish 79. redeō, redīre to return 80. retineō, retinēre to keep 81. ruō, ruere to rush 82. supersum, superesse to survive 83. teneō, tenēre to hold 84. tollo, tollere to lift, raise