Ecce Romani Nomen___________________Block___ Chapter 3 - Vocabulary I. Directions: Record these new words in the VOCABULARY section of your notebook. Write their meanings and derivatives. Make picture flashcards and start to learn them. hortus, m. clamō, clamāre solus, -a, -um vir, m. rideō, ridēre iratus, -a, -um servus, m. laborō, laborāre molestus, -a, -um femina, f. cadō, cadere neque...neque quī subitō non iam II. Derivatives: Below are some English derivatives from the above words; match them with the appropriate Latin root. What do the words mean based on their roots? Select 5 of the derivatives to define and use in an interesting sentence on the back of this sheet: horticulture acclaim virile feminine elaborately clamor exclamation solitude cadence sole cascade molest servile ridicule decadence solo servitude deride irate collaborate