Vocabulary Chapters 1-8, approximately 350 words Chap. 8: vertex, verticis, m. head, top, summit; whirlpool, whirlwind superus, -a, -um; superi, -orum, m. above, upper; the gods above saevus, -a, -um savage, cruel spes, spei, f. spes spes spei sperum spei spebus spem spes spe spebus hope (5th decl., most feminine) sensus, sensus, m. sensus sensus, sensus sensuum sensui sensibus sensum sensus sensu sensibus sensation, feeling (4th decl., most m. or f.) species, -ei, f. appearance res, rei, f. thing, matter, affair, situation res publica (f.) state, republic quaero, quaere, quaesivi, quaesitus look for, search for, seek, ask publicus, -a, -um public profugus, -a, -um fugitive, banished, exiled pro in front of, for, on behalf of, instead of, in return for (+ abl.) pectus, -oris, n. heart, breast opinio, opinionis, f. opinion omnis, omne all, every ob on account of (+ acc.) quam ob rem on account of which thing, for what reason, why numen, numinis, n. divinity, divine spirit nomen, nominis, n. name motus, -us, m. motion, movement metus, -us, m. fear, dread memor, memoris (adj.) mindful of, remembering (+ gen.) manus, -us, f. hand, band, troop lux, lucis, f. light prima luce (abl.) at first light, at daybreak longus, -a, -um long longe (adv.) far off, at a distance, far and wide litus, litoris, n. shore, beach libertas, libertatis, f. freedom iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus order, command + inf. (not ut clause) ira, -ae, f. anger, wrath ingens, ingentis huge iacto (1) throw, scatter, shake, boast iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus throw gravis, grave severe, heavy, important fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi, ----flash, shine fructus, -us, m. enjoyment, fruit, profit fructui esse to be a profit, to be an asset to (+ dat.) frigidus, -a, -um cold fortis, forte strong, brave fides, -ei, f. faith, trust, trustworthiness felix, felicis happy, fortunate infelix, infelicis unhappy, unfortunate eo, ire, ivi (or ii), itus go dulcis, dulce sweet, pleasant domus, -us, f. house, home dies, -ei, m. day civitas, civitatis, f. citizenship, state carmen, carminis, n. song, poem, incantation acer, acris, acre sharp, keen, fierce vox, vocis, f. voice tempus, temporis, n. time spero (1) hope salus, salutis, f. health, safety quinque five opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus press upon, overwhelm, suppress, oppress premo, premere, pressi, pressus press, press upon, press hard placeo, placere, placui, placitus be pleasing to, please (+dat.) pes, pedis, m. foot perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectus complete, finish opus est there is need of opus, operis, n. work odi, odisse hate mors, mortis, -ium, f. death locus, -i, m. place invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus come upon, discover, find hostis, hostis, -ium, m. enemy hora, -ae, f. hour, season genus, generis, n. descent, origin, race, sort finis, finis, -ium, m. end, boundary, limit conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus complete civis, civis, -ium, m./f. citizen auctor, -oris, m. author, founder annus, -i, m. year amo (1) love amor, amoris, m. love animal, -alis, -ium, n. animal Athenae, -arum, f. Athens aurora, -ae, f. dawn careo, carere, carui, caritus lack, be without corpus, corporis, n. body dico, dicere, dixi, dictus say, tell, speak diu for a long time domus, -i, f. house, home exemplar, -aris, ium, n. model, example exemplum, -i, n. example frater, fratris, m. brother homo, hominis, m. human being, man ignis, ignis, -ium, m. fire Italia, -ae, f. Italy Iuno, Iunonis, f. Juno Iuppiter, Jovis, m. Juppiter libero (1) free lumen, luminis, n. light mare, maris, -ium, n. sea mater, matris, f. mother mens, mentis, -ium, f. mind, intellect miles, militis, m. soldier moenia, moenium, n. (pl) city walls mons, montis, -ium, m. mountain non solum … sed etiam not only … but also nox, noctis, -ium, f. night oppugno (1) attack, fight against pater, patris, m. father rego, regere, rexi, rectus rule rex, regis, m. king Roma, -ae, f. Rome rumor, -oris, m. rumor, gossip rus, ruris, n. country sanus, -a, -um sound, healthy, sane scio, scire, scivi, scitus know servitus, servitutis, f. slavery sidus, sideris, n. constellation, star, heaven soror, sororis, f. sister spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsus scatter, sprinkle, distribute timor, timoris, m. fear, dread urbs, urbis, -ium, f. city vigor, vigoris, m. liveliness, activity, vigor vis, f. force, power vires, virium, f. strength voco (1) call vivo, vivere, vixi, victus be alive, live tamen nevertheless socius, -a, -um allied socius, -i, m. ally sine without (+ abl.) ruo, ruere, rui, rutus fall, go to ruin, rush ruina, -ae, f. fall, downfall, ruin, destruction quamquam although postquam after post after, behind (+ acc.); afterwards, after, behind (adv.) possum, posse, potui, ----be able, can populus, -i, m. people impius, -a, -um irreverent, wicked pius, -a, -um pious, loyal, dutiful umquam ever numquam never novus, -a, -um new, strange cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus learn, know (perfect tense) nosco, noscere, novi, notus learn, know (perfect tense) mox soon moveo, movere, movi, motus move removeo, removere, removi, remotus remove, take away, set aside medius, -a, -um middle (of) magister, magistri, m. master, teacher, superior, director invado, invadere, invasi, invasus go into, invade, attack interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus kill impero (1) give an order/command (acc.) to (dat.) imperium, i, n. authority, power, empire flamma, -ae, f. flame, fire ferrum, -i, n. iron, sword durus, -a, -um hard, harsh dominus, -i, m. master, lord debeo, debere, debui, debitus owe, ought discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus go from, depart, leave accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus go to, approach cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus go, move, yield cano, canere, cessi, cessus sing (of) bene well autem however, moreover aurum, -i, n. gold aureus, -a, -um golden arma, -orum, n. arms, weapons ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus burn, be on fire, desire antiquus, -a, -um ancient ante before, in front of (+ acc.); before, previously (adv.) ambulo walk laboro work aqua water anima soul ager field cum with clamo shout moneo warn corona crown cella room bellum war de about corono crown muto change cura concern culpa blame campus field e, ex from, out of do give pello push, drive off fama fame gloria glory diligentia diligence in in dono give expello push out, drive out femina woman incola inhabitant donum gift a, ab by, from habeo have sentio feel, perceive forma shape insidiae ambush, plot gladius sword ad towards impleo fill supero conquer insula island invidia jealousy marcus marcus per through opto want taceo be silent nauta sailor lacrima tear natus son sub under sum be teneo have patria country luna moon oculus eye terreo frighten venio come pecunia money mora delay puer boy timeo fear oro beg poena punishment natura nature saxum stone video see peto see, ask for poeta poet noxa harm servus slave capio capture porto carry porta gate provincia province velum sail celo conceal pugno fight regina queen puella girl venia kindness cogito think scribo write taeda torch sententia opinion ventus wind damno condemn specto look at turba crowd terra land verbum word dubito doubt, hesitate incolo inhabit via road unda wave vir man incipio begin duco lead ara altar vita life nihil, nil nothing deleo destroy facio do caelum heaven cibus food circum+acc. around intellego understand lego read, choose deus god dea goddess mitto send monstro show factum deed filius son perdo lose, destroy pono put, place filia daughter liber, libri book respondeo respond tego cover littera letter mensa table trado betray video see oppidum town periculum danger regnum kingdom studium zeal tectum roof umbra shadow urna urn villa farmhouse enim for non not acerbus/a/um sharp carus/a/um dear et and et ... et both … and nunc now bonus/a/um good honestus/a/um honest -ne (asks a question) semper always caecus/a/um blind verus/a/um true -que and vero/vere truly clarus/a/um famous romanus roman neque or nec not dexter/tra/trum right validus strong, healthy neque ... neque neither … neither laetus/a/um happy aeternus eternal sed but liber/libera/liberum free altus high nisi unless magnus/a/um great amicus friend si if malus/a/um bad inimicus hostile ut in order that miser/misera/miserum wretched ne lest multus/a/um much, many quod because pulcher/chra/chrum beautiful