ROME INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL TERMLY SYNOPSIS Teacher J Collie Subject Mathematics Class: Y7 Term: 1 Unit title Duration Unit Summary Core Bar charts, Pie Charts, Scatter Diagrams, correlation Statistics : Graphical representation 3 Geometry and Construction 3 Line and rotational symmetry. Introduction to construction Arithmetic: Integers and Number Patterns 2 Arithmetic and the calculator 2 Square numbers, Triangle Numbers, Term-­‐to-­‐term rule,Function Machines, Prime numbers and Prime Factorisation, LCM and HCF Rounding, estimation, maximum and minimum values, introduction to indices, propriety of operations in simplifying expressions, use of calculator for Geometry: Shape and Construction 2 Assessment Extension Using EXCEL for Graphs Construct a square, application in drawing packages. Project: ‘Number pattern investigation’ Maximum and minimum values for numbers rounded to 1dp Fibonacci in Geometry, EXCEL using formulae in Excel Mathletics, Project: ‘Wrapping Paper Design’, Test Mathletics, Investigation,Test Mathletics, Project: ‘Who we are’ Mathletics,Test Polygons: vocabulary and properties, investigating Mathletics,Investigation, sequences thus formed, Regular polygons, convex and Test concave polygons, diagonal properties, Circle parts and vocabulary, Drawing circles constructing other polygons,Tesselations Arithmetic: 2 The Decimal number System: Revision of place value, Oher number bases Mathletics, Test n Decimal Numbers, the application to fraction part Multiplication by 10 , Division e.g. Binary, Octal, decimal Point by 10n, Ordering decimal numbers, sequences with using EXCEL decimal numbers, four operations on fractions NB: This synopsis is for an average class and may be amended according to student needs. The order in which topics are taught may be changed. ROME INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL TERMLY SYNOPSIS Teacher J Collie Subject Mathematics Class: Y7 Term: 2 Unit title Duration Unit Summary Assessment Core Extension 3 Unit 7 – 3-­‐ D: Solids, sketching techniques, Euler’s Platonic solids, more Project designing and Geometry: Formula, using isometric paper to represent solids from different complex polyhedra. making a POP Art carton, 2-­‐D to 3-­‐D angles, Nets of cuboid and other solids solids. Mathletics, TEST Probability: An 2 Likely-­‐hood, Simple Theoretical Probability, predicting the next card Probability Experiment, introduction game. Experimental Probability, biased dice, Relative Frequency, Mathletics, TEST permutations. Agebra: An 2 Introduction to algebra: writing simple formula, conventions in Complex Linear Mathletics, Investigation -­‐ introduction writing algebra, Linear formulae from number sequences, formulae sequences simple linear sequences. in everyday problems, collecting terms, Substitution into formulae. Geometry: 2 Revision of different types of angles, estimating and accurate Finding angles in Mathletics, TEST Angles measure, angles on a straight line and at a point, opposite angles, complex problems interior angle sum of triangles, construction of triangles knowing angles, angular connections between parallel lines and transversals. Arithmetic: An 3 Introducing negative numbers, the four operations on directed Mathletics, TEST introduction to numbers, Co-­‐ordinates in all four quadrants, Introduction to linear directed graphs through number patterns and function machines , the numbers: straight lines, Tables of values, the y-­‐intercept, equation of vertical and horizontal lines. NB: This synopsis is for an average class and may be amended according to student needs. The order in which topics are taught may be changed. ROME INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL TERMLY SYNOPSIS Teacher J Collie Subject Mathematics Class: Y7 Term: 3 Unit title Duration Algebra: Solving 2 Equations Arithmetic: 2 Vulgar Fractions Geometry: Area 2 and perimeter Unit Summary Core Graphs of linear number patterns, Inverse operations through function machines, inverse operations to solve linear equations, forming linear equations and solving them, Trial and Improvement, Changing the subject of a formula What exactly is a vulgar fraction? Changing between improper and mixed numbers, Adding/Subtracting fractions, Fractions of a quantity, Equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, four operations on fractions. Perimeter of regular and irregular shapes,area of square and rectangle, Investigation: Area of triangle and parallelogram, Area of compound shapes. Assessment Extension Investigating Mathletics, TEST quadratic sequences and graphs Complex expression involving fractions. Mathletics, TEST Complex compound shapes Mathletics, Investigation -­‐ simple linear sequences. Finding angles in complex problems Statistics Project, Mathletics Plan and Elevation Mathletics EXAM Statistics: Averages and range Mensuration: 3 1 Ch 16 Mean, Mode, Median, Range, -­‐ Using Statistics to mislead, Design and use a data collection sheet to carry out survey, Using EXCEL to find mean. The metric system, scale and scale drawing, reading scales. Internal Exams 1 Cambridge Secondary Bench-­‐marking NB: This synopsis is for an average class and may be amended according to student needs. The order in which topics are taught may be changed.