Mathletics - Freemans Bay School

Technical Requirements:
Is my
Yes…. As long
as the user
name and
password has
been kept
Each student’s
account holds
relating to
individual results
and progress.
Please ensure
that your child is
the only one to
access and use
their account.
Windows XP SP3 (or higher)*, Mac OS X 10.6 (or higher)
1GB of RAM minimum (for best experience we recommend 2GB or
higher of RAM)
Supported web browsers – Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Mozilla Firefox
12 or higher, Safari 5 or higher, Google Chrome.
Minimum usable screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
Adobe Flash Player 11.6 or higher
Pop-ups enabled
JavaScript enabled
MP3s enabled
Wh at is Mat h let ics?
Mathletics is a web-based learning program that integrates home and school learning
via the internet. Mathletics is an online learning resource, helping students enjoy
Mathematics while learning.
Mathletics uses play and practice as the way to encourage students to enjoy and
improve their number skills. Mathletics provides instant feedback on student’s
performance, maintains a high level of motivation and offers teachers the opportunity
to address children’s learning strengths and next steps.
Accessing Mathletics:
Mathletics App is available Apple and Android devices.
The website address is for Mathletics is:
Alternatively you can access Mathletics via the link on our school
website - Click on Digital Learning
Link and then onto the Mathletics link.
Student UserName and Password for Mathletics
Mathletics User Name:
Why is Freemans Bay School using Mathletics?
How will Mathletics benefit my child?
How will the Mathletics benefit me?
Mathletics Password:
Student Login Process for Mathletics:
1. Type the Username into the
box beside where it says
Username - exactly as it is
written above.
2. Type the password into the
box beside where it says
password - exactly as it is
written above.
3. Click on ‘Sign In’.
If you or your
child thinks that
someone knows
the password,
please see the
teacher and get
it changed ASAP.
Mat h let ics:
Par en t In f o r m at io n Sh eet
Forgotten Passwords:
If your child forgets their username and password, please speak to your
child’s classroom teacher who will be able to locate this for you.
Improve achievement by supporting
teachers in designing personalized
and engaging learning experiences
which respond to individualized
Maths needs.
Provide immediate feedback as
students know instantly how they are
Empower students to become more
independent in their learning.
Studies show increased engagement
and motivation for learning when
using tools like Mathletics.
Give you a window into your child’s
It is a convenient, quick way to
monitor your child’s progress by way
of the internet.
Provide the perfect link between
home and school as you can sign up
to receive weekly emails updating
you on your child’s progress.
Educational and fun activity to
engage your child in learning when
at home.
Parent Comments:
‘‘ As a parent it has been hugely informative.
By watching our daughter doing some of the tasks, and by helping with others, it has
really clarified what she finds easy
or difficult. The ‘task manager’ function has allowed us to ‘steer’ her learning and we
have been able to give useful feedback to her teacher.
As a child with family in Australia, she has really loved being able to play against
other Aussies in Live Mathletics. One of the
biggest areas of improvement has been her mental arithmetic – 75% in Level 1 in 3
How can I help my child?
Mathletics Student Console:
Personalize and Motivate
Students can modify their avatar and
spend credits to purchase
If you have
click on the
Help icon.
and Reward
weekly points
are displayed
here. Once
they reach
1000 points
they will be
awarded with
a Bronze
Click the My
Awards button
to view their
Collect 5
and you will
be awarded a
Collect 4
silvers for a
You can only
earn one
certificate per
Gold Bars - A
reward system
that indicates
when a score
of 85% or
higher is
Practice Skills
Students can target a range of practice activities. Each activity
provides animated support for conceptual mastery. Teachers
often select activities suitable to class teaching and student
Live Mathletics:
In Live Mathletics, students can challenge other
students from all over the world in real-time games
that will test speed and accuracy!
The curriculum
activities are
displayed in the
central panel of
your student
console. The
course displayed is
linked to your
learning level and is
selected by your
teacher. This is the
main area of
Mathletics and will
help you improve all
areas of maths.
Problem Solving:
Students can access a
range of problem
solving activities. They
will need to think
logically to reach their
Concept Search:
‘Concept Search’ uses
animated explanations
to help enhance
Rainforest Maths:
Students use their
newly learnt Maths
skills in these
interactive activities.
Ideal for revision and
early years.
Timetable Toons:
Students will have a
ball practicing their
times tables with these
fun ‘Toons’!
Additional Information about the Mathletics Student Centre can be found:
- youtube -
- Mathletics Student Centre Information Booklet -
Improve speed and
accuracy when recalling
basic facts by attempting
all levels of Live
Mathletics that are
available, and earn
credits when student
beats their personal best
10 minutes is all they
Work on “green bar”
activities yet to be
mastered. Complete each
activity at least 3 times or
until mastery is achieved.
Students will be asked
different questions each
time they repeat an
Use the Support Centre
to view worked
examples, which will help
students to improve their
understanding of
concepts they are yet to
Review progress and set
goals. Find out what the
weakest operation is on
Live Mathletics so students
can practice it. See which
activities they need help
Acknowledge your child
when they earn a
Participation Certificate
every week by gaining
1000 points or more from
Monday morning until
Sunday night.