Mathematics content knowledge outcomes checklist Outcomes Mathletics Topic Mathletics Exercises Maths in WA 1 Homework Book Maths in WA 1 Course Book Working Mathematically Students use mathematical thinking processes and skills in interpreting and dealing with mathematical and non-mathematical situations. WM1 Check all answers carefully using methods such as estimation and checking reasonableness. Number Students use numbers and operations and the relationships between them efficiently and flexibly. N1 Write large and small numbers using numerals and words Whole numbers N2 Write fractions and decimals in increasing or decreasing order Decimals Fractions N3 Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals using mental arithmetic and pen and paper methods Whole numbers Decimals Nearest 1000 Rounding numbers Place value to millions Decimal order Decimals on a number line Rounding decimals Decimals to fractions 1 Decimals to fractions 2 Fractions to decimals Unit fractions Simplifying fractions Equivalent fractions Mixed numerals Improper to mixed Mixed to improper Converting mixed and improper Order of operations Estimation – add and subtract Estimation – multiply and divide Long multiplication Short division Long division Adding and subtracting decimals Decimal by Decimal 1A 4-5 4A 5D 4C 3L 4I 88-89 91 100-101 3A 3B 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1J, 1H, 1I, 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H 6-19, 92-99 Outcomes Mathletics Topic Mathletics Exercises N4 Fractions One take fractions Add – no common denominator Subtract – no common denominator No common denominator Fraction by whole number Fraction of an amount Multiplying fractions Dividing fractions Fraction word problems Best Buy Calculating percentages Percentage of a quantity Percentage increase and decrease Simple interest Rates word problems Wages and salaries Working overtime Budgeting Percentage word problems Prime or composite Highest common factor Index notation Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions N5 Perform calculations involving money using the four operations Money N6 Express whole numbers as products of powers of primes Whole numbers N7 Demonstrate effective and appropriate use of a calculator and spreadsheet software Across all areas. Maths in WA 1 Homework Book Maths in WA 1 Course Book 60-77 3C, 3D 3E, 3F 3I 3H 3K Incorporated in exercises on whole numbers, decimals, percentages and data. 102-104 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F 2H 32-39 Outcomes Mathletics Topic Mathletics Exercises Maths in WA 1 Homework Book Maths in WA 1 Course Book Pre-algebra and Algebra Students use algebraic symbols, diagrams and graphs to understand and to reason. A1 Order, add and subtract positive and negative integers Integers A2 Plot points using Cartesian coordinates (four quadrants) Draw and interpret simple graphs showing variation and relationships Simplify simple algebraic expressions Coordinates and graphs A3 A4 A5 Solve simple linear equations (one occurrence of the variable) Coordinates and graphs Basic algebra Basic Algebra A6 Use formulae to calculate values of variables Basic Algebra A6 Continue simple sequences of numbers or shapes, explaining how to obtain the answer Basic Algebra Directed numbers Ordering integers Integers – multiply and divide Integers – order of operations More with integers Ordered pairs Reading values from a line Graphing from a table of values Recognising like terms Like terms – add and subtract Algebraic multiplication Dividing expressions Simplifying expressions Simplifying with index laws Expanding brackets Checking solutions Find the mistake Find the missing number 2 Solving simple equations Solving more equations Simple substitution Complex substitution Find the pattern rule Pattern rules and tables 2I, 2J, 2K, 2M, 2N, 2O 40-49 11B, 15G 288-293 396-397 398-399 407-411 424-429 15B, 15H, 15I, 15K, 15L, 16A, 16B, 16C, 16N, 16E, 16F, 16G, 16H, 432-441 16I, 16J, 16K, 16L, 16D 430-431 15A, 15C, 15D, 15E, 15F 388-395 Outcomes Mathletics Topic Mathletics Exercises Maths in WA 1 Homework Book Maths in WA 1 Course Book Measurement Students use direct and indirect measurement and estimation skills to describe, compare, evaluate, plan and construct. M1 Convert among units within the metric system eg cm to m, kg to g Metric system M2 Determine the perimeter and area of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles and circles and composite shapes based on these. Perimeter, Area and Volume M3 Determine the volume of prisms and pyramids Perimeter, Area and Volume M4 Calculate duration using 12 and 24 hour time. Metric system M5 Explain and use time zones Metric system Converting units of length Metres and kilometers Kilometre conversions Converting units of mass Perimeter – squares and rectangles Perimeter – triangles Circumference – circles Perimeter and circles Area – squares and rectangles Area – right triangles Area – triangles Area – circles Area of shapes Surface area – rectangular prisms Volume – rectangular prisms 1 Volume – rectangular prisms 2 Volume – triangular prisms Hours and minutes Time mentals 24 hour time Australian time zones 5A, 5E 116-123 8G, 5G 220-221 124-129 5H 130-133 6A, 6B, 6D, 6E, 152-163 6F, 6G, 6H 6J 164-171 6L 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 208-217 8F 218-219 Space Students describe and analyse mathematically the spatial features of objects, environments and movements. S1 Identify and describe the properties of different types of triangles, quadrilaterals and simple polygons 2D and 3D geometry S2 Interpret and create maps and plans, using legends and scales. Mapping S3 Visualise, demonstrate and describe translations, reflections, rotations and symmetry in the plane 2D and 3D geometry Shapes Plane figure terms Sides, angles and diagonals What line am I? Labelling angles Measuring angles Classifying angles Triangle tasters Angle sum of a triangle Labelling circles Prisms and pyramids Properties of solids Faces edges and vertices Nets Map coordinates Coordinate meeting place More directions Scale measurement Symmetry or not? Rotational symmetry 242 9G 7A 7C, 7D 7B, 7E, 7F, 7G 9A, 9B 9C, 9D 186-191 192-197 232-238 10A, 10D 10C, 264-266 270-274 10B 5J, 11A, 11C, 11D 267-269 134-138 294-299 12A, 12B, 12C, 12D, 12E, 12F 312-321 Outcomes Mathletics Topic Mathletics Exercises Maths in WA 1 Homework Book Maths in WA 1 Course Book Chance and Data Students use their knowledge of chance and data handling processes in dealing with data and with situations in which uncertainty is involved. C1 C2 C3 C4 Determine mean, median and range and use these measures to compare data sets Analyse collections of univariate data including the use of tables and graphical displays Analyse collections of bivariate data including the use of tables and graphical displays Construct sample spaces for single step experiments with equally likely outcomes and use them to assign probabilities Statistics Coordinates and graphs Coordinates and graphs Probability Mean Mode Mode from frequency tables Median Median from frequency tables Finding the average Picture graphs Frequency histograms Venn diagrams Sector graph calculations Step graphs Travel graphs What are the chances? Probability scale Simple probability Complementary events Probability tables How many combinations? 14E 362-368 14D 14F 14A, 14B, 14C, 14G 352-361 369-375 14H, 14I 13A, 13C, 13E, 332-340