Key Stage One Newsletter September 2015 Castles here, there and everywhere Terms 1 and 2 Please remember…. P.E. kit needs to come to school on Monday morning and can go home on Friday afternoon. Earring tape is essential!! The more you read, the better you are at everything!! Please read with your child at home every day! At the end of each term there will be a book prize for anyone who reads every day. For snack, free fruit is provided everyday, however, on Friday you can bring something delicious (but healthy, of course!) from home. Check your child’s book bag for their spelling book. Please help them to learn these spellings on paper (not in the book). These will be tested on a Friday morning then they will be given new ones. Your child will be given a log in for Purple Mash and Mathletics. These can be found in the front of their Fish books. Could you be our Mathlete of the week? Log in to Mathletics! You have to play to win! Welcome to the Autumn Term! What shall we be learning? – Castles, here, there and everywhere – We will be learning the history and geography of our local area. Continuous learning Literacy Non-fiction and fiction writing – facts about our topics and related story making. Recounts Labelling. Letter writing Information leaflets. Poetry History Find out information about our lives and the history of our local area. Learn about key events from the past. Timelines. Reading. Guided reading. Daily phonics. Handwriting. Calendar. Design Technology Join textiles using a running stitch. Numeracy Geography Use key vocabulary to describe our local area. Working towards their targets on learning ladders. Mental agility. Problem solving. Using keys on our maps – locally and within story worlds. Creating our own maps. Science Animals including humans – identifying different types of animals and learning about our bodies. Seasonal changes – looking at the effects of our immediate environment. P.E. Gym: move in different ways using large apparatus and the floor. Ball skills– Use balls of different sizes to practise throwing and catching, and bouncing. Computing Programming E-Safety Digital Literacy Music and Drama Art and Design Painting Colour mixing. Create coats of arms Using the role play area to act out stories and historical events in preparation for writing. Learning to keep a beat and exploring sounds. R.E Harvest festivals. Look at the meaning of Christmas for Christians. More fun!! Christmas production