
Egypt Project – PowerPoint
For this project you will be creating a PowerPoint that explains facts about Ancient
Egypt Your PowerPoint will display your research in three areas: geography, religion,
daily life. Your PowerPoint should be at least 10 slides including title slide.
Due Dates/Deadlines
 A-Day – Wednesday, November 29th
 B-Day – Thursday, November 30th
The rest of the project will need to be completed for homework. If you have any
questions about the project you should see me before the due date. Do not come to me on
the due date saying you did not understand.
Your PowerPoint should have:
1. a good title slide
2. three slides about each major topic (geography, religion, daily life)
3. pictures supporting the information
Scoring Rubric
No errors in conventions (spelling & grammar)
Well organized and articulate
Pictures supporting facts
Clear titles for each slide
Three slides on geography are detailed and accurate
Three slides on the daily life are detailed and accurate
Three slides on religion is detailed and accurate
Well organized PowerPoint
_____/ 10
_____/ 10
_____/ 15
_____/ 10
_____/ 15
_____/ 15
_____/ 15
_____/ 10
____/ 100