CANEY VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL PROM GUEST RECOMENDATION In order to attend the Caney Valley High School prom you must be invited by a Caney Valley junior or senior. You must have your present high school principal sign this letter of recommendation. *If you no longer attend high school please provide a copy of your driver’s license. The following information is to be completed by the prom guest. Name__________________________________________ Age__________ Address________________________________________________________ Phone (parent)______________________(yours)_______________________ School Attending_________________________________ Grade________ CVHS Student Escort______________________________ Grade________ I, _____________________________________, agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations established by Caney Valley High School. My escort has given me a copy of or discussed with me the Prom Guidelines. Signature_______________________________ The following is to be completed by the principal of your high school and should be returned to the Caney Valley High School Prom Sponsor Mrs. Sletten by April 17, 2014. The above named student is currently attending _______________________High School and had demonstrated standards of acceptable citizenship while enrolled as a student. He/she has our recommendation to attend the Caney Valley Prom. Cordially yours, Principal Signature___________________________ Phone _____________________