Syllabus for Zoology

Syllabus for Biology II-Zoology
Teacher: Ms. Deel
My Contact Information:
Course description:
Zoology is the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of
animals. This course will focus on basic concepts of general zoology including, but not limited to, the
origin of animal life, classification of major phyla of animals and the major classes of vertebrates,
structure, and function of animals, and basic concepts of animal behavior and ecology.
3 ring binder (for class assignments, notes, pre- and post-labs, etc.)
Loose leaf paper
Text books are provided for this course. Each student will be assigned a book with a unique identification
number. You are responsible for your own book. You may leave it in the classroom, keep it in your
locker, or leave it at home. Please use this book to supplement classroom materials and bring it to class
when asked.
Text: Zoology Ninth Edition by Miller &Harley
Classroom Rules:
What to bring: Being prepared includes:
A sharpened pencil
Your science notebook/binder
Homework (if any was assigned)
A positive attitude
Each day, as you enter the class you should first turn in your homework (if any was assigned) and proceed
to work on the warm-up activity.
You will be counted as tardy if you are not in sitting quietly in your seat when the bell rings. If you arrive
to school late you must report immediately to the attendance office to sign in and get an admit slip.
Student Conduct:
Student Dress: Dress codes can be found in the Marion Handbook. Come to my classroom comfortable
and covered.
Disruptive Conduct: I expect all students to engage in conduct that is respectful and courteous to others.
Together we will create a safe and welcoming community in our classroom and our school.
Bullying: Bullying will not be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. Physical, verbal, or written
intimidation, taunting, name-calling, and insults are strictly prohibited. Take any problems to a trusted
Cheating: Any student caught cheating; plagiarizing or knowingly make false statements with respect to
any assigned school work or tests will receive a zero on the assignment and a phone call home.
Vandalism: Willfully marring, defacing, or destruction of school property will not be permitted.
Other Conduct: For more information see the Marion Handbook found on the schools website.
Daily Activities:
Look on the Board to find an outline of what we will be covering in class including objectives, SOLs,
upcoming tests, quizzes, etc.
Daily Procedures:
When you come in the classroom, you will see an outline of the material we will be covering for the day.
You will also see a daily warm up. Your task is to come into the classroom, open your notes, and
QUIETLY start work on the warm-up problem on the board. When you have finished, write down the
homework and any other assignments in your assignment book, and quietly wait for further instruction.
Exit questions may be used to assess learning of the day’s material. These exit questions may be in
different forms.
Disciplinary Procedures:
Verbal/Nonverbal Warning
Teacher/student conference, parent may be contacted
Office referral
**If a serious offense or disruption occurs, the student(s) will be escorted directly to the office
Grading Policy:
Grading scale:
A= 93-100
B= 85-92
C= 77-84
F= 69 and below
-Grades are scored on a total point system. This simply means that you will have the opportunity to score
a certain number of points for the grading period. The opportunities for scoring points come from
quizzes, projects, tests and homework. Your average is calculated by taking the total points earned and
dividing that number by the total points offered. To get a percent score the quotient is multiplied by 100.
-Many activities we do in class and for homework will be considered practice. Practice assignments are a
learning tool and will be evaluated for feedback but not included in the class grade. They will help
prepare for assignments that will be graded. You are expected to complete all practice assignments,
failure to do so will be considered noncompliance and a discipline issue. Also, if you do not complete the
practice you will not perform as well on the graded assignments. Practice assignments will be marked in
the grade book as collected or not. They will not receive a grade.
-Graded assignments will have a due date. If a graded assignment is not handed in by the due date it may
be penalized 10% per day down to a 50%. If the assignment is handed in after the test, the highest grade
you will receive is a 50%. If you don’t do/turn in an assignment, you will receive a grade of zero for that
assignment and you may not perform well on the test that covers that material.
-All assignments (graded or practice) will provide feedback to help guide your learning. We will either
discuss the work together in class or a key will be provided for you to check your understanding of the
material. If the assignment is not reviewed in class, please ask about anything you need help with.
-If you do poorly on a graded assignment, correct your mistakes, discuss them with me and use that
information as a learning tool. If you perform well on the final test for that section I will drop all
assignment grades from that section. IF you do not pass the test, I will not drop the assignment grades.
Corrections and discussion must take place before the test. The work and quizzes are designed to help
you work through the material as practice and gauge your understanding. If you take the time to go
through and see what you missed, correct your mistakes and talk to me about them you will probably
understand the material better and do better on the final test for that section. I want to test your learning!
If you receive a zero for an assignment, I will not drop that score. If you turn an assignment in after
the test, it will receive a late grade and I will not drop it either (but remember any credit is better than
Make-Up Work:
If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it is due the day you return to class. If you are absent the
day an assignment is assigned, you will have the same amount of time to complete the assignment as the
rest of the class. There will be a calendar of missed assignments in the classroom. If you are absent on
the day we perform a lab, you are still responsible for handing in the assigned questions or lab report.
There may be an opportunity for you to make up the lab or an alternative assignment will assigned.
My promise:
As your teacher, I promise to do my very best, every day, to help you be successful in this class and in
your future. I will teach the material in the most accessible way that I know how, and I will be available
to you at all times. I expect you to try your best as well. Together we can achieve great things in this
class, if we try. I’m looking forward to working with you this year!
Ms. Deel
Safety Contract
Science involves hands-on activities. In the laboratory these science activities may involve some potential
hazards. We may use some equipment and animals that may be dangerous if not handled properly and
appropriately. Safety in the science classroom is a crucial part of the scientific process. The following is a
set of rules I have chosen to ensure student safety in my classroom. It is important that these rules are
followed at all times. Additional safety rules may be given for each experiment and/or activity.
No student will be allowed to participate in science activities until this contract has been signed by both
student and a parent or guardian. Not participating in class activities will result in a loss of participation
Safety Rules:
1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times. Horseplay practical jokes, and pranks will
not be tolerated. Irresponsible behavior may result in removal from the classroom and a zero for
the activity.
2. Follow all directions carefully and perform activities as directed.
3. Never eat, drink, chew gum or taste anything in the science lab.
4. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after handling chemicals or animals.
5. Wear safety goggles when instructed. Never remove safety goggles during an experiment. If Ms.
Deel is wearing safety goggles, you should be too. To protect feet form chemicals and broken
glass, closed toed shoes are strongly encouraged.
6. Be sure you know where the closest fire blanket, eyewash station, and safety shower is located.
7. Keep your work area neat and clean. Clean up after each experiment.
8. Report any accident (fire, spill, breakage, etc.), injury (cut, burn, etc.), or hazardous condition
(broken equipment, etc.) to Ms. Deel or another teacher IMMEDIATELY.
9. Handle all animals with care and respect. Never handle animals without permission. Gloves
should be worn when handling animals. Never remove an animal from the classroom.
10. Always carry a microscope with both hands. Hold the arm with one hand; place the other hand
under the base.
11. Treat all preserved specimens and dissecting supplies with care and respect. Never remove
preserved specimens or dissecting supplies (scalpels, scissors, pins, etc.) from the classroom.
Always cut any material away from your body.
12. Treat all chemicals as if they are dangerous. Never remove chemicals from the classroom.
13. Never open storage cabinets or enter storage rooms without permission.
14. Handle all glassware with care. Never pick up broken glass with your hands. Alert a teacher if
you see broken glass.
15. Use extreme caution when using matches, a burner, or hot plate. Only light burners when
instructed and do not put anything into a flame unless specifically instructed to do so. DO NOT
leave a lit burner unattended.
*Adapted from Flynn’s Safety Contract
Agreement (Sign and return to Ms. Deel):
I,_______________________, have read and understand each of the above safety rules set forth in this
contract. I agree to follow them to ensure not only my own safety but also the safety of others in the
science classroom or laboratory. I also agree to follow general rules of appropriate behavior for a
classroom at all times to avoid accidents and to provide a safe learning environment for everyone. I
understand that if I do not follow all the rules and safety precautions, I will not be allowed to participate
in science activities resulting in a loss of points.
Student Signature
Dear Parent or Guardian:
I feel that you should be concerned of my effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom and
laboratory environment. Please read the above safety contract and rules. No student will be permitted to
perform science activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on
file with the teacher. Your signature on this contract indicates that your have read this Science Safety
Contract, reviewed it with your child, and are aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of your
child in the science classroom and laboratory.
Parent/Guardian Signature
*List of Student Allergies:_______________________________________________________________