5th Grade Student Handbook

Fifth Grade
School Hours
 We begin our day promptly at 7:55, and the school day ends at 2:55.
 On your child’s birthday, you are welcome to bring a treat, but our
campus leadership has requested no frosting. A non-edible treat can
accommodate all students as we have several allergies.
Behavior Expectations
 Students have a communication chart on which the behavior expectations
for Olson Elementary are listed. This should be signed by a parent
every Thursday night.
The communication chart is the basis for a student’s nine weeks conduct
Consequences for not following expectations include:
- loss of recess or another privilege
- time out to fill out a “Think Sheet”
- contact parents (phone call, e-mail, or note)
- office referral
Extreme inappropriate behavior will result in immediate removal from the
class with an office referral
Such behaviors include fighting, threatening physical violence,
disruptive behavior, insubordination, academic dishonesty (cheating
or copying from another student), or continuous disrespect.
Agenda Books
 Agenda books are required by all students.
 Agenda books must be filled out at the beginning of each class period.
Each teacher writes the assignment for their subject on the board.
 Agenda books are reviewed periodically by teachers.
 All assignments must have a complete heading as indicated by each
 All homework is due at the beginning of each class period.
 Homework assignments are due the next class day unless otherwise
specified by the teacher.
 Since homework is the basis for a class discussion or review, a student
who does not have the homework assignment will receive study hall and
will be communicated to the parent through the communication chart.
 Students who receive a grade lower than a 70 may correct and return the
paper for grade up to a 70. All corrections are due the next day or by the
date indicated on the graded assignment.
Late Work Policy
 If a student does not have his/her work at the time it is collected, the
assignment will be considered late.
 10 points per day will be deducted from the student’s grade on the
assignment for up to 3 days.
Make-Up Work
Make-up work is the sole responsibility of the student as per the AISD
policy guidelines.
Please contact the homeroom teacher to request absent work. Students
may also collect their work the day they return by checking in the
designated place in each of their classes.
Students have one day per absence day to complete missed work.
If a student does not complete make-up work during the time allotted, the
late work policy goes into effect.
 Students’ grades will be based on different percentages. Tests, projects,
labs and quizzes will be 40% of the grade, and classwork/homework will
be 60% of the grade.
 Graded papers are given to the students during class.
 Students may bring a healthy snack to school each day to eat.
 Students are encouraged to bring a school appropriate water bottle to
school with a sports type, no spill, lid.
Electronic Devices
 Students’ cell phones must be TURNED
day and kept in their back packs.
OFF during the school
Students will not be allowed to call home for forgotten items unless
approved by teacher.
Students may use electronic devices when instructionally appropriate and
with the permission of the classroom teacher. Please see the campus
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Guidelines, which requires parent