Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome to another new school year! I am

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to another new school year! I am excited to be your
child’s math teacher. I would like to take this opportunity to
share my classroom policies:
Grading Policy:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
69% F = 59% or less
C = 70-79%
D = 60 –
Grades will be based on assessments, assignments and notebook grades:
Assessments = 70% Assignments = 10% Notebook = 20%
Homework Policy:
I regularly assign homework 3-4 times per week. Students will be given some time in class to begin
the assignment and ask questions. We will go over homework questions in class on the following day.
Students are encouraged to continue to work on assignments after they get their questions
answered. Assignments attempted when assigned, but turned in within three days will not be
considered late.
Late Work Policy:
I will log missing assignments into the electronic gradebook on the day that they are due: “mi” in the
gradebook is the code used to communicate to students and parents that the assignment is for some
reason missing. Namelessness is the most common cause of missing assignments; students are
encouraged to check the nameless papers when they receive a “mi” score unexpectedly. Students
who keep their papers to continue working on them may occasionally have them marked missing; as
soon as they are turned in, the grade will be corrected.
Reasonably late papers will receive full credit. Severely late papers will not receive full credit. Near
the end of each quarter, there will be a cut-off date after which no late work will be accepted.
Corrections for Credit:
Quizzes require corrections. A separate handout will be glued into the notebook and available
online explaining this expectation and procedures.
Tests cannot be corrected for an increased grade. One test per quarter may be retaken if the
original test has been completely corrected and reviewed with me prior to scheduling a
retake. Students will retake a test on their own time; before school, after school, or at lunch.
Only the retake grade will appear in the grade report.
Notebook may be corrected but to have the grade reviewed, students must make an
appointment to review their corrections with me in person.
Assignments may not be corrected for increased credit.
Behavior Policy:
Students are expected to follow classroom rules at all times:
1 – Respect oneself, others and the property of others
2 – Come prepared to work and work to the best of your ability each day.
Students will be warned privately of minor offenses. Reoccurring or more major violations may
require a parent phone call or conference. In the event of a major safety violation, the student will be
immediately removed from the classroom; consequences will be discussed with the student
immediately after the class period. Depending on severity, parents and/or administration may need
to become involved.
Online Calendars: Students will fill out their planner daily from the online class calendar. On the
calendar are links to handouts given in class. Students may print their handouts at home if they have
lost the originals.
E-mail: The best way to contact me is by email
Phone: (480) 308-7414
I am looking forward to a great year!
Mrs. Heitland
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand the policies outlined in the above letter.
Students, please return this letter to Mrs. Heitland by Monday, August 17.
Parent Signature
___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________
Student Signature and Printed Name
Parents, please indicate your most convenient phone number or email below: THANKS!