Seriously Awesome Science Mr. David Brown Seriously Awesome Science will increase student exposure to the basics of engineering and experimentation. I am looking forward to a great year! Students who participate in class every day, come prepared, and are organized and respectful will be successful. Communication Communication between parents, students, and teachers is vital. Please contact me at the school, (918-371-2541, or by email at ), click on “Parent Portal”, login in and use this tool to keep up-to-date on student grades. In order to receive text messages about assignments and tests, sign-up for REMIND. I encourage all parents and their students to sign up for this. Details are at the end of the syllabus. Supply List: Mechanical pencil 1 college rule notebook- to be left and used in class Donations- all hours. Please bring paper towels Lab Contribution I am asking each student to contribute $10 for lab materials. The money collected will be used to purchase materials for labs, experiments, and activities throughout the school year. This money will significantly reduce the materials students need to bring from home and offset personal money Mr. Brown needs to spend. Classroom Rules: Bring all materials to class- Assignment Folder, mechanical pencil, and paper! Be respectful and positive! Participate and stay on task! Failure to comply with the above rules will result in the following disciplinary action: 1st warning: Reminder to stay on task. 2nd warning: Mandatory conference with teacher and loss of daily participation points. 3rd warning: Student’s parents notified and further loss of daily participation points. 4th warning: Removal from classroom, discipline with Mr. Harp, conference with parent. Homework/ Late work Assignments not completed in class are homework. Students will be allowed to turn in 2 late assignments up to one week past the due date per semester for half credit. If students fail to complete two or more assignments, they will be assigned lunch detention until assignments are completed and turned in. In addition, students will be allowed to retake 2 tests per semester if the original score is below 90%. The retest is designed for students who studied the material, but scored poorly on the test. Retest privileges may be revoked from any students if the policy is abused. Retake Test Policy: Retake test score must increase at least 10% over the original score or the retake privilege is forfeited for the rest of the year. No exceptions! Students may come in before school one time to look over the original test, but will not be allowed to take the test home. The retest score and the original score will be averaged unless the original score was below 60%. The retest must be taken before school, by appointment, within one week of the original test. Grading Grading will be on a point system. Grades will be based on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, workbook, assignment folder and tests. Participation / Makeup work Each day a student attends class, they may earn up to 4 participation points: 2 points for participation in class activities and assignments as well as staying on task, 2 points for following other classroom rules. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to pick up makeup work. In order to earn 4 points for each day a students is absent, students must make up work as outlined in school policies.