Sixth Grade Regular and Advanced Language Arts Classroom Regulations and Grading Policy Mrs. Jan Graham/Mrs. Susan Fowler REQUIRED MATERIALS: Bring the following to class each day: Agenda Book Language Arts notebook (with paper, pencils, pens, highlighters) Book for reading TARDINESS: You are expected to be in your desk with the required materials and reading book when the bell rings. If you are not there, you will be marked tardy. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Our Mustang Motto is “Be Safe; Be Responsible; Be Respectful.” Your responsibilities in this class are to do the following: attend class regularly be on time be prepared for class meet deadlines (all assignments due at the beginning use your time wisely be actively involved as a member of a group have a positive attitude pay attention, listen, and learn of class on the due date) All students are expected to be positive, contributing members in this class. Be polite and thoughtful of one another. We will follow the Montford Middle School Student Handbook, the Leon County Schools Code of Conduct Book, and the Montford Middle School Discipline Code. Students’ conduct grades are based upon how these rules are followed each nine weeks (see separate citizenship expectation sheet). If your behavior prevents our class from functioning well, I will talk with you privately. If unacceptable behavior continues, I will ask to meet with you and contact a parent. If this meeting is not helpful, I will ask to meet with you and an administrator or guidance counselor. Remember--DO THE RIGHT THING!!!!!! ABSENCES AND MAKEUP WORK: You are expected to make up any work missed because of any absence. Check the Assignment board, Schoolwires, and Gradebook (Pinpoint) for a summary of the work you have missed. If anything is unclear, see me for more explanation. You will be given two days to make up major assignments for each excused absence. After that time, points will be deducted for lateness. However, it will be nearly impossible for you to make up many in-class group activities if you are absent. In some cases, I will give you alternate assignments, and you will need to confer with me about options. If you know beforehand that you will be absent, please inform me so that I can help you plan your makeup work. We need your full participation every day! DISMISSAL: I will dismiss you at the end of each class period. GRADED PAPERS AND HANDOUTS: Keep all graded papers and handouts in your Language Arts notebook for reference. You will be able to check your grade on Gradebook at any time. At the end of the nine weeks, we will discard any unneeded papers. Tests, quizzes, and projects count 70%. Class work and homework count 30%. GRADING SCALE: 90 80 70 60 0 - CITIZENSHIP: 100 89 79 69 59 A B C D F Outstanding Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Classroom Expectations: Manage Yourself Respect Others Follow Directions Always Try Make It Happen 4 3 2 1