E2020 Credit Recovery Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus
E2020 Credit Recovery is a program designed to allow students to fulfill graduation requirements through a computer-based,
teacher-directed program aligned with state and county curriculum. Failure to follow the course guidelines or proper behavior
standards may result in removal from the course.
Students have only 85 school days (equivalent to one semester) to complete per credit. If the student is not completing their
coursework in a timely manner, he/she may be removed from the program and their relative grade will be recorded on the student’s
transcript. The relative grade will most likely impede successful recovery of course credit.
SUPPLIES: Required Notebook One spiral for each course (following directions, proper notes on vocabulary, lectures, labs and
online content). Headphones are available for use but students are encouraged to use their own.
In addition students are STRONGLY encouraged to work from home.
E2020 Website http://student.education2020.com
Each student will be assigned computer-based coursework to be completed by the course target completion date, which will be 85
school days following their assigned start date (one semester). Course start and completion target dates will be assigned by the
E2020 teacher and may not be extended beyond the 18 week/85 school day period for any reason. Students are expected to attend
every class session and may not use an absence as grounds for extending their target completion date.
Students are evaluated and credited when all course objectives have been met. All unfinished assignments at the students 85
school day course completion date will be assigned the relative grade (overall grade including zeros for incomplete assignments)
for their final grade. If anything less than a passing grade is earned, the student will need to re-take the course.
Students will recover their course credit with 70% mastery of the course performance standards. Their final grade for the recovered
class will be determined by:
The total grade must average to 70% or higher for a student to earn the credit for the recovered class. Final course grades that fall
below a 70% will not receive a credit and the course must be taken again. Students must complete a new application for every 90
day course assignment with their counselor. Failure of an E2020 course does not automatically qualify a student for seat in the next
Notebook pages dated and/or numbered with lesson headings!
Proper note-taking exhibited during all lessons
Time management skills (use of class time from beginning to end)
Failure to comply with these notebook requirements will disqualify the student from test checks or retakes. If this happens, the
student will be required to return to missed work and/or lectures and redo activities.
1. Pre-Test
a. 70+ means a pass and you can skip the unit
b. Below a 70 means you must complete the lecture, vocabulary, notes, etc.
c. Absolutely no resources may be used when taking the pre-test.
2. Assignments - Vocabulary and Lecture (10% of course grade)
a. You must complete these assignments. Use the information provided to write your notes in your notebook.
3. Essays and Lab Assessment (10% of course grade)
a. Not all subjects will have these, but if you do, you must complete them.
4. Additional Online Content (10% of course grade)
a. This is the “textbook” version of E2020. You will have 1-4 websites to view.
b. You may have to answer questions about the websites.
6. Quiz (20% of course grade)
a. You will be allowed 2 Re-takes on the quiz. (The pre-quiz was the first try.)
c. If you fail both retakes of the quiz, you may only receive one additional retake. To get this retake you must REWATCH the
LECTURE VIDEO. If you choose not to you will receive your highest grade.
7. Test (30% of course grade)
a. You will have 2 Re-takes on a test.
c. If you need an additional retake, you will need to re-watch ALL the LECTURE VIDEOS from that UNIT. If you choose not to
you will receive your highest grade.
8. Cumulative Exam (20% of course grade)
a. You will have ONE (1) try on the Cumulative Exam.
b. BEFORE you submit the exam, you may turn in your notebook and have your exam checked for wrong answers.
9. NCAA Guidelines – DIV 1 and 2 athletes only
a. Requires students to complete the course in its entirety
b. No pre-Tests are allowed – NCAA requirement box enabled
The Credit Recovery program is an opportunity, not a requirement. As such, students are required to maintain top quality adherence
to the following:
Exemplary behavior as required in all classes (Follow all House Rules)
Good time management skills for the entire class
Organized work habits displayed daily
Display of manners, common courtesy and good attitude daily
Compliance with all school policies (academics, attendance, behavior, technology, etc.) Violation of rules may result in removal from
the program
Use of materials as required in class. HEADPHONES AND NOTEBOOKS ARE A DAILY REQUIREMENT. Students may check-out
headphones and are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of these and will be charged the monetary replacement fee if they
are lost or damaged. Students are encouraged to provide their own ear buds.
Refrain from accessing Internet/Music/Game sites not related to the program. No music sites, no personal MP3 players/IPods, no
Violation of the above rules may result in a warning on the first offense by the teacher. A disciplinary referral may result from any
subsequent offenses. Removal from the program may occur with the second offense. This will be at teacher/administrator
Students are expected to follow All school and class rules. The student may be issued a warning for the first offense. Any additional
problems may result in the student’s removal from the class. All electronic devices, including cell phones and I-Pods are strictly
prohibited. These items will be confiscated if seen by the instructor.
1. Students may receive up to three warnings regarding misbehavior, dependent upon the severity of the infraction.
a. Head down / sleeping
b. Inappropriate Internet usage / games / music
c. Failure to listen to lectures / no headphones
d. Talking / distracting others
e. Tampering with computers/settings
f. Disrespect / arguing with teacher
2. Warnings will be documented.
3. Additional misbehavior may result in parent contact and / or discipline referral.
4. Students may be removed from the class if they fail to follow the behavior expectations.
Syllabus Acknowledgement Form
Student Name (Print):___________________________________________________________________
Student Signature:____________________________________________________________________
E2020 Student/Teacher Contract
As a student using the Education2020 program, I accept and agree to abide by the terms outlined below. I
understand that disregarding the terms of this contract will result in disciplinary action.
1. I will be on time for class each day and come prepared and ready to work.
2. I will complete all assignments independently.
3. I agree that my cell phone and any other electronic devices will be powered off, concealed, and not
in use in the classroom. If I violate this policy, I understand that I will have any such items
confiscated by my teacher.
4. Since this a self-paced online course, I accept that talking with other students is not permitted.
5. I will not access any internet sites except for those required by the e2020 program.
6. I will respect other people, as well as their property.
7. I will remain at my assigned work station until the end of the period and keep my area clean.
8. I will work diligently on all assignments to the best of my ability.
Student Signature:___________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________________________________________________
Teacher Signature:___________________________________________________________________
Date signed: ________________________________________________________________________
Student Email_______________________________________________________________________
Parent Email________________________________________________________________________
Are you in athletics at Judson High School? Yes______ NO_______
Coaches Name and Sport______________________________________________________________