Fiction Non fiction Year 3 – Autumn 1 Weeks 2-7 Ancient Egypt Make non-fiction books with contents, glossary and index pages included Adapt an Egyptian myth – based on learning about the Egyptian gods and goddess Report on why the River Nile was so important for the Egpytians Write a version of an Egyptian inspired fairy-tale based on the book “The Egyptian Cinderella” Instructions – how to make mummies Other: Maths: place value, addition and subtraction, shape and problems solving/investigation – plus making sun dials like the Egyptians Geography: locating Egypt using atlases and climate analysis – Egypt and UK comparison RE: looking at Egyptian gods and goddess and compare with the children’s own beliefs and ideas Science: plants (link with the importance of the River Nile) History: throughout non-fiction literacy and investigation into the lives of children of Ancient Egypt Diary entry from archaeologist Guided reading Spelling and Handwriting PE: Dance/Ballet - 1 session of ballet taught by Chance to Dance Trips and visits: Ballet Demonstration and the British Musuem Websites: Google: “Ancient Egypt for Kids” y/egypt/