Egypt Vocab 1 & 2



Cataracts - rapids along a river

Delta - area formed by soil deposits at the mouth of a river

Pharoah - name for a powerful ruler, god-like; used by rulers of Egypt

Dynasty - line of rulers from a single family that holds power for a long time

Menes - an Egyptian ruler who united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt; considered by historians to be

Egypt’s first pharaoh

Queen Hatshepsut - an Egyptian queen who worked to increase Egyptian trade; known for the many impressive monuments and temples built during her reign

Trade Network - system of people in different lands who swap goods back and forth

Ramses the Great - an Egyptian pharaoh who fought the Hittites in the 1200s BC, defended Egypt from invaders, and strengthened Egypt’s western frontier

King Tutankhamen - an Egyptian pharaoh whose tomb filled with treasures was discovered by archaeologists in 1922


Pyramid - a huge triangular tomb built by the Egyptians and other peoples

Afterlife - life after death

Mummies - specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth for preservation

Hieroglyphics - system of writing that uses small pictures to represent sounds or words

Papyrus - long-lasting, paper-like material made from papyrus reeds; used to write on.

Sphynx - figure of an imaginary creature with the head of a man and the body of a lion.

Ebony - hard durable black wood

Ivory - White material made from tusks of elephants

Rosetta Stone - a huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian writing
