Temples, Tombs and Treasures.

Living Things and their Habitats: Grouping
living things; Explore and use classification keys;
Changing environments
Ancient Egypt
To locate Ancient Egypt in time and place;
know that history can be divided into
periods; develop understanding of
Animals including Humans: Identify that
To understand importance of archaeology;
animals, including humans, need the right types
make inferences and deductions from
and amounts of nutrition and that they cannot
artefacts and pictures about life in the past;
make their own food; they get nutrition from what
To understand the importance of the Nile
they eat
Identify that humans and some other animals have
In relation to Egypt:
Non-Fiction: Information texts - Egyptians
Use maps, atlases, globes to
Narrative: Adventure and Mystery: The
locate countries and
Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian
describe features;
understand geographical
similarities and
differences; describe and
understand key aspects of
physical and human
for life; learn about aspects of life in
geography; use geographical
Ancient Egypt; compare with life today
Poetry: Syllabic poems – haiku, cinquain
Non-Fiction: Newspaper reports; Persuasive
writing; Christmas Letters
Author study: Raymond Briggs
terms with accuracy
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
skeletons and muscles for support, protection and
Number: Place value and ordering 4 digit numbers
Sycamore Y4
Autumn 2015
Temples, Tombs and
Addition and Subtraction: counting up/back, using
place value and number facts; choosing strategies
MFL: French
Continue to develop confidence in speaking and
listening, using correct pronunciation.
Develop conversational vocabulary : shopping,
eating out
Role play
Compact written addition (column)
Subtraction by decomposition
+/- 1,10,100,1000 to/from 4-digit numbers
Shape/Space/Measure: identify and sort 2D and
3D shapes – triangles, prisms, pyramids
Time: to nearest minute analogue and digital;
calculate time intervals
Multiplications and Division: double and halve 2and 3-digit numbers; know 4x, 8x, 3x and 6x
tables, and division facts
Division and Fractions
Using the Internet
for research
Developing skills
with PowerPoint
Creating webpages
Coding skills
PE: Multi-Skills;
RE: Helping others; Exploring Journeys of life (Islamic rites of
Football; Dance-
passage); How and why do Christians celebrate Christmas?
linked to Making the
PSHCE/British Values/SEAL: New Beginnings; Making the Most
Most of Me;
Of Me; School Council elections; shared decision-making in changes
around school; developing class charters; positions of responsibility
Creative Arts/Music
D + T
Developing drawing skills; use of mixed media to create Egyptian
Egyptian cooking
artefacts; hieroglyphic writing; Egyptian songs
Exploring instruments; Developing accompaniments
Performing Christmas songs
Construction of
animal habitats
Christmas craft