Classroom Expectations

Mrs. Adams’s Classroom Procedures
1. Beginning Class
A. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
B. Follow classroom procedures.
C. Take care of restroom and water before class starts. Be tardy at your own risk!
D. Snacks, drinks, and gum are not permitted at any time.
E. Students will enter the room quietly and take care of business such as turning in
homework, etc. before being seated.
F. Pencil sharpening will be taken care of before the bell rings.
G. Begin your warm-up immediately and work quietly.
2. Roll/Makeup Work
A. NO questions/comments before or during roll call.
B. Remain seated and quiet and working on warm-up.
C. Copy your assignment into your planner. Note any homework and due dates.
D. Turn in make up work at the end of class; it is the responsibility of the student to find out
what make up work is needed, either by asking the teacher or a classmate. Late or make
up work will be put in the appropriate bin.
3. Reading
A. Clear everything off your desk except your book.
B. Keep head up whether reading or following along.
4. Class Discussion
A. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
B. No negative comments!
5. Classroom Behavior
A. Completed work (with a FULL HEADING) will be passed to the right; first row will
then pass papers up to the front.
B. Do not leave your desk without permission.
C. Never put completed work on Mrs. Adams’s desk.
D. Students are not to go behind Mrs. Adams’s desk.
E. Students may not touch or use items on Mrs. Adams’s desk without permission.
F. Students are to work from bell to bell; do not pack up supplies until instructed to do so.
6. Taking Notes
A. Clear everything off your desk except your notebook and pen.
B. Eyes on me, white board, or your paper.
C. When I am talking, you are not.
D. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on.
7. Taking a Test
A. Take everything off your desk except a cover sheet and your pen (or pencil if taking a
scantron test).
B. Do not write on the test unless told otherwise.
C. Absolutely no talking.
D. Raise your hand to ask a question.
8. End of Class
A. Straighten your desks and pick up any trash.
B. You are not dismissed by the bell--wait for my dismissal.
C. Walk out of the room.
O---On time/On task
A---Always follow directions
R---Respect yourself and others
 Conversation
 Help
 Activity
 Movement
 Participation