Classroom Procedures

Glenview Middle School
2013-2014 School Year
Miss Christina Bianchi
Room 101
Classroom Procedures
The following is a list of the main classroom procedures that we will follow during this school year. A
procedure is simply a method or process for accomplishing tasks in the classroom. These procedures are
expectations necessary to participate successfully in classroom activities, to learn, and to function
effectively in the school environment.
Entering the classroom
o You should enter the classroom calmly and with no pushing, shoving, or yelling. I will
greet you when you walk in, and I expect you to greet me as well. When you enter, take
out your materials and get started with the assignment on the board.
o If I am not in my room when you arrive there, the door will be closed. This occurrence
will rarely happen. Wait quietly and politely in the hallway, in a line, until I arrive.
Announcements and Calls to the Classroom
o When announcements or calls are being made to and from the classroom, everyone
should remain quiet and pay attention. Do not answer for the teacher.
Changing Classes
o You are to changes classes quickly and quietly. Be sure you have everything you need for
each class. Do not leave materials in others’ classrooms or in your locker. You will NOT
be allowed to return to get materials.
Bellringer Work
o Assigned work for the day will be found on the board and/or on your desk. Please start
on it immediately.
o You should have a writing utensil with you. I prefer pencils, but pens (black or blue) are
acceptable too.
o If you have to borrow a pencil (located on the work area) from me, it will cost you your
shoe. When you return my pencil, I will return your shoe.
Lining Up
o When it is time to go somewhere, please line up in a quiet and straight line. If we are
going to be outside, you may walk two by two and talk, but you may not yell or run. If
we are in the hallways, we will walk silently in a single-file line.
o There will be times when I administer assessments to you specific to this class. Please
try your best and take your time. I will reward obedience and hard work.
Behavior in Classroom
o Sit in your desk appropriately. Do not slouch, put your head down, lean over into the
walkway, etc.
o Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
o Do not touch anything that does not belong to you (including other people). Note - My
desk is strictly “off limits.”
o Respect others and use common courtesy at all times.
Homework and Make-Up Work
o You have enough time in class to get your work done.
o You should not have homework in this class (i.e. Study Skills) unless you have been
o If you have not used your time in class to finish your work, you will be responsible for
finishing it at home.
o All work should be done in class and turned in at the end of every class period.
o In the case of an EXCUSED ABSENCE you have one week from the date of your EXCUSED
ABSENCE to turn in your work.
o Any make-up work will be located in the appropriate draw on the student center/work
o If you are out on a test day that you know about in advance, you will be required to take
the test immediately upon your return.
Passes out of Class
o You must have your agenda (or a teacher-issued pass) to leave class for any reason (e.g.
guidance, nurse, office, etc.). Permission will be granted at the discretion of the
o Except in emergency situations, you will not be permitted to use the bathroom during
class. Please use the bathroom BEFORE class begins.
o If you are late entering the classroom, you must have a pass from the office.
o If you are late to class without a pass, you will receive warning if it is a first time offence.
After the first offense, you will face the progression of disciplinary measures listed later
in this document.
Headings on Papers
o Before you turn in any work, be sure to put your full name, date, and class period/title
on the top of the paper.
Observers in the Classroom
o Throughout the year, I will be observed by various people. They are here to see me, not
you. Class should continue as normal if there are any observers in the room. Do not
stare or wave at them. Be polite and respectful.
End of class
o Before you leave my classroom, please check around your desk for trash and collect
your belongings. You may not leave your seat until you have been dismissed by me and
the bell has rung.
Fire Alarm
o During a fire alarm, will line up quickly and quietly. Do not push, shove, or exit the room
without my permission. Remain quiet until we are allowed to return inside.
Tornado Drill
o Get a book and line up on the walls with the book over your head. Remain quite until we
allowed to stop.
Lock Down Drill
o Get on the floor and remain quiet. Do not talk at all! If you talk, you will be disciplined.
Classroom Progress Reports
o Every 4.5 weeks, you will receive a progress report. It is to be signed by a
parent/guardian and brought back for a participation grade. This progress report will
encompass all of your current grades.
o Parents are encouraged to sign up for Parent Portal so that they can monitor their
child’s grades in real time from their own computer at any time of the day.
o Students are to copy all assigned work in their agendas. You must bring your agenda to
every class.
o You must have your agenda in order to have a pass to go anywhere.
o Your first agenda is free. If you lose yours, you must buy another one.
Class Supplies
o You MUST have all school-mandated supplies. If you need a list of the mandatory items,
please see me.
Classroom Consequences and Disciplinary Measures
If a student does not fulfill classroom procedures, he or she will go through the following steps:
o 1) Verbal Warning
o 2) Conference with teacher
o 3) Call home to discuss situation and withdrawal of privileges
o 4) Referral to the office
If I have to take an object from a student such as a toy, cell phone, game, headphones, etc., I will
place the unauthorized item(s) in an envelope, seal it, write the student’s name, and my name
and date on the outside of the envelope. Then, I will bring it to the front office where it will be
available for parents to pick up at any time.
If student is caught CHEATING on a test or assignment, the parents/guardian will be called
immediately, and the student will automatically receive a 0 on the test or assignment unless the
parents/guardian makes other arrangements for the student to retake the test at a later time.
Stealing will not be tolerated at any time. It will be result in an immediate referral to the office.
If property is stolen from me or another student, the school liaison officer will be contacted and
charges may be filed against the student.
STUDENTS: I have read this list of procedures and understand all the procedures listed.
Name: ___________________________________
Date: ______________________
PARENTS: I have read this list of procedures and understand all procedures listed. I agree to support the
teacher in these procedures and to help my child follow them.
Name: ____________________________________
Date: _______________________