Algebra One Zero Pairs Activity Name _______________________________ Per __ Name _______________________________ Each partnership will be given a packet of colored squares. Step One: Identify which color will represent positive units and which color will represent negative units. Positive __________________ Negative _________________________ Step Two: Student A will move squares around on desk top while Student B will record the problems and the solution agreed upon by the partnership. Name Student A ______________ Name Student B ________________ Step Three: Record problem as soon as it is provided. Step Four: Place the correct amount of colored squares for positive and negative units on the desk top. Step Five: Pair one positive with one negative and remove the “zero pairs” from the desk top. Step Six: Record the remaining positive or negative unit result as your answer. Record: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Using this refresher practice and your Green Integer Card, complete the Integer Practice Worksheet without the use of a calculator. You may work independently or with your partner. Remember, Zero pairs only work when adding (or combining) integers.