Mr. Finley*s Classroom Procedures

The easiest way to succeed!!!
Enter the room quietly.
Proceed directly to your desk.
Start your bell work.
Check the board for the day’s vocabulary,
objective, and assignment.
Bell work is to be done daily upon entering
the classroom and saved to a bell work file in
your H: drive. (I will teach you how.)
Bell work will be reviewed on Friday and will
count toward weekly participation points.
Bell work may involve reviewing the previous
day’s learning or may simply be me asking
for your thoughts.
You have the opportunity to earn 25
participation points per week.
Points are earned by:
1. Classroom behavior.
2. Assignment completion.
3. Classroom interaction during discussion
4. Following procedures.
You are responsible for keeping your work
area clean.
Papers are to be picked up and textbooks put
away BEFORE you will be dismissed from
The floor around your work area is part of
your work area.
The bell does not dismiss the class. I DO.
Class will be dismissed when all work areas
are clean.
You are to remain in your seat until dismissed
unless told otherwise.
Class will NOT be dismissed until everyone is
in compliance with the rules.
You will put your chair back under the desk
when you leave.
Students will raise their hand or come quietly to
my desk to request the use of the restroom.
Only one student will be allowed to the restroom
at a time.
Any use of the restroom pass to access the
vending machines will result in the loss of pass
privileges. I do not allow food in my class room.
Excessive time away from class when using the
restroom pass can result in loss of points, loss of
privileges, or disciplinary action.
Food and drink are NOT allowed in the
Water may be brought in as long as the
container is sealable, but is to be kept on the
floor and off the desk top to avoid accidental
damage to the computers.
Cell phones are NOT allowed out in class.
(See your student manual for consequences
of violating this procedure.)
Ipods/mp3s/Nintendos are not allowed
unless specifically authorized by me. The use
of them is a privilege that can be taken away.
When the use of electronic devices is allowed,
students will be aware of the procedure I use
to get the attention of the class.
Students will access the internet ONLY when
instructed. Unauthorized access will result in loss
of points, privileges, and possible disciplinary
When accessing the internet students will NOT
attempt to go to unauthorized websites.
Students will NOT attempt to change the
configuration of any of the schools computers.
Students will not lock the computers to prevent
usage by others.
Students will sign off everyday when class is
When you need to get my attention, you will
quietly raise your hand indicating:
1. One finger…You wish to speak.
2. Two fingers…You wish to leave your seat.
3. Three fingers…You would like my help.
4. If I am helping someone else, you will
remain quiet and wait for me to
acknowledge you.
If I need to get the classroom’s attention, I will
stand up with my hand open (five fingers
 This means:
1. All eyes on me.
2. Quiet.
3. Be still.
4. Hands free (stop what you are doing.)
5. Listen.
If you have been given permission to use head
phones all ear buds/head phones are to be out
of your ears!
I prefer you address me as Mr. Finley.
I will answer to Finley, Boss, or Teacher.
I WILL NOT answer to:
Hey you
Bro….you get the idea…
You will be given rubrics for most assignments or
projects. I will do my best to make sure you
understand what is expected of you. If you do
not understand…ASK! The only dumb question
is the one you do not ask. Once an assignment
is given and the rubric discussed, it is your
responsibility to complete the assignment.
Participation points can make a grade letter
difference in overall performance. Participate,
TRY your best, and be on your best behavior and
this class will be easy.
If we hear the fire alarm all students are to
immediately stop what they are doing. We will quietly
get up from our seats and line up at the door. We
will then proceed up the hallway through the cafeteria
and out to the parking lot of the Academy. WE STAY
If we hear a “lockdown” announcement, the
classroom door will be locked. All students will bring
their cell phones to my desk, then proceed to the
back of the room and sit on the floor. The lights to
the room will be shut off and silence will be
maintained until the ALL CLEAR announcement has
been given. This is for your protection!!!
You are expected to be at your seat and
working by the time the tardy bell rings.
If you arrive to class after the second bell and
do not have a tardy slip from the office you
will be sent to ALC for that class period.
You will be responsible for making up the
work missed as a result of the tardy.
I can almost guarantee your success in this
class if you can do the following:
RESPECT….your teachers.
RESPECT …school property.
RESPECT …yourself and your ability to
I am from a generation where manners were
taught and emphasized. I expect the same
from you.
Be polite.
Be courteous.
Be a young gentleman/lady.
Be a good citizen.
I have a zero tolerance policy on
cursing/swearing. The school environment is
no place for negativity.
If you curse/swear in class you will be sent to
ALC and a behavior policy violation will be
filed with the office. Continued violations can
and will result in further disciplinary action
and possible removal from class.
Just like the cursing/swearing policy, I have a
zero tolerance policy on bullying.
School is a place where everyone should be
able to go and feel safe and accepted! I will
make sure of that in my classroom. You are
I consider name calling bullying and will deal
with it as such.
Graduated from the University of Wyoming, major
in finance, minor in accounting.
High School All-American football player.
Division 2 college basketball player.
Father of 3, two girls one boy(stepson) 22, 21,
Listens to rock and roll.
I cry at happy and sad movies.
Loves to fish.
Bank manager for 25 years.
Honored to be your teacher!
Hats are NOT permitted to be worn in the
classroom. There is an American flag in the
room and I respect our flag.
Sunglasses are not to be worn in the
classroom. If you have a Dr’s orders or
prescription it needs to be presented to me.
Passes to the nurse will issued at my
Any abuse of a nurse’s pass will result in
suspension of the privilege.
Excused absences will be administered per
the student hand book.(pgs. 27-30)
Make up policy will be as stated in the
Unexcused absences will forfeit the right to
turn in any assignment due on the date the
unexcused absence and not participation
credit will be given for the day.
Now that formalities are out of the way, let me say
WELCOME to my classroom!!! I am very excited
to have each and every one of you in my class. I
am honored to have the opportunity to be your
teacher. We will be learning A LOT this year…not
only about subject matter, but I hope I can impart
to you some “life skills” that you can take with
you. I have a wealth of experience in many
different areas that I believe can benefit you
today and in the future.
I am a firm believer that life is meant to be FUN.
We will be having FUN throughout the year as we
tackle our new knowledge….LET’S ROCK!!!!