Contemporary Literature Mrs. Birkemeier – Room 114

Contemporary Literature
Mrs. Birkemeier – Room 114
Welcome to Contemporary Literature. This year long course will involve
many different aspects of language arts and will require you to think “outside of
the box” and get in touch with your creative side while using your critical
thinking skills. We will read books that are engaging and thought-provoking,
do a variety of writing activities, and complete projects that allow you to share
what you know through means that work best for you.
I have provided a spiral notebook for you that will remain in class. You will
also be provided with a folder that will remain in class and you will keep all
class work in this folder. Each day you will need to bring a PENCIL. This is
the only material that you are responsible for bringing every day, and as high
school students, I have faith that you can do this! If you fail to bring a pencil,
you will not be permitted to leave the classroom and retrieve one from your
locker or anywhere else. We will be visiting the computer lab on occasion to
research and work on projects and therefore a flash drive is also necessary at all
times in order to be prepared for those days.
Attending class every day is the key to success in my class. We do the majority
of work in class and therefore missing class becomes more of a hassle for you
than showing up and participating. However, if an absence is excused, I will
be more than happy to help get you caught up!
You are expected to use the restroom and take care of any other business
between classes or during your lunch period. If you leave, class does not stop
running until you return. However, I do understand that sometimes there are
situations in which require immediate attention. Please let ME know (do not
announce it to the whole class) and I will address each situation on a case-bycase basis.
Cell Phones
Cell phones must be turned off or on silent mode and remain in your pocket or
bag. At this point in your high school career, you should be able to keep it in
your pocket or backpack throughout the period. If I see it being used without
permission, you will be asked to place it in the blue basket. If you refuse, you
will receive a detention. If this continues to be a problem, you will be required
to turn in your phone to me at the beginning of class and it will be returned to
you at the end of the period. I will also call home and have you participate in
the call to explain to your parent(s)/guardian why I am having to call home.
Grades are typically upgraded weekly. The best way to check your most upto-date grade is by using PowerSchool. Take it upon yourself to check your
grades regularly to make sure you are not missing any assignments as well as to
ensure all of your grades are accurate (yes, teachers make mistakes sometimes
too). I do not assign homework on a regular basis and therefore I expect it to
be completed on the days that it is assigned.
 You have the right to learn and other students share that same right.
 I have the right to teach, to assure all students are safe in class and to see
that nothing interferes with these rights.
Students and teacher will practice mutual respect at all times.
Students are expected to participate daily.
No food or drink is allowed in class. Bottled water is the only exception.
You are to come to class prepared and be seated quietly at your desk
when the bell rings with a pencil, your spiral notebook, your folder, and
your textbook (if required that day) on your desk.
 Students are to be working until the bell rings. You are to remain seated
until the bell rings and not “migrate” to the door early.
I understand that each of you have lives that exist outside of my classroom as
well as outside of school. If you are feeling stressed, upset, angry, or any other
emotion, please share this with me before class starts so I am aware of it
throughout the class period. For students who struggle focusing in class and
believe they need a break in order to calm down and refocus, there is a desk
outside of my classroom door that you may resort to during these times. You
may either simply tell me you need a break by raising your hand and wait for
me to call on you or quietly signal to me that you will be going to the desk in
the hallway to take a break. The goal during this break is to return to a calm
state of mind in order to return to class a few minutes later.
**Please write (not sign) your name on the line below.
Name: ______________________________________________
**Please sign your name below to show that you have received a copy of this
syllabus and understand your responsibilities as a student in this class.
Signature: _______________________________________________