Classroom Rules * Pierce

Classroom Rules – Pierce
a. Tardy Students. All Students shall be in class at the time class is
supposed to start. The door will be shut when the bell rings. If you have
to open it, you are tardy.
b. Class Opening. You will have some sort of bell ringer at the beginning of
each class period. So come prepared for this. I will be taking attendance
at this time so once you sit down that is where you stay unless you have
a. Teacher’s Desk and Equipment. Do not enter the area behind the
teacher’s desk without permission. Any other equipment within the room
that is not your property should not be touched.
b. Passes To Other Staff Members. If you need to visit another staff
member or area, you will receive permission first, then I will need to sign
your planner. All assignments will be finished first. I will check!!! Only
one person will leave the room at a time.
c. Passes To The Bathroom, Drinking Fountain, or Lockers. You need to
receive permission first, then fill out your planner and I will sign it. If it
becomes a problem or students abuse the privilege the answer will be no.
Take care of “business” during passing period. If I see you are a regular
class leaver, the answer will probably be no.
d. Do not sit on top of the desks or back of chairs. Keep your feet off the
chair and desk in front of you.
a. Teacher/Student Contacts. Students need to raise their hands if they are
in need of assistance.
b. Student Movement. Once the bell rings, students are to remain in their
seats unless permission is given by the instructor with the exception of
sharpening your pencil. To and from. No disrupting students along the
c. Student talk. If it becomes necessary to ask for help from another student
during an independent assignment, you must raise your hand and ask
permission. If you do not get permission, it will be assumed you are
cheating and a 0 will be given on your assignment.
d. Extra-Time. Students will not be allowed to sleep or simulate sleep
during the class period. Keep your head off your desk. Bring other
textbooks, books, and other work to do, if you have the tendency to finish
e. Films. Films may be watched numerous times this year. Students must
remove all materials from their desk except a writing utensil and be
attentive. No working on other homework will be allowed. You will have
a viewing worksheet to be filled out as you watch the film. Nevertheless,
no sleeping or simulation of sleep will be tolerated.
a. Heading Papers – Name, Class Period, and Assignment.
b. Writing Instrument – Pen or Pencil.
c. Writing On The Back Of Papers. May do so as long as it does not bleed
d. Neatness. Must be readable and not contain unnecessary markings.
e. Incomplete Work. Homework must be turned in when the teacher asks
for it. Otherwise, a 20% penalty will be accessed for late homework and a
0 put in the gradebook. If you get it turned in before the end of the 9
weeks, I will put your grade in place of the 0.
f. Missed Work. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher
what assignments are missed because of an absence. If not, a zero will be
recorded in the grade book.
g. Supplies. Each student needs to bring a pen or pencil, paper, and their
textbooks to class everyday. I will not supply you with any of these items.
Be responsible!!!!
h. Textbooks. If your textbook is falling apart, make sure to let me know.
Otherwise, you will be fined at the end of the year for damages. If you
lose it you will be fined as well. You will be assigned a textbook number
and it will be recorded.
a. Students will be given assignments on almost every class day. Some will
be graded in class, while I will grade others.
b. They will be handed back to you as soon as they are graded.
c. If you lose an assignment that will help you study for a test it is your
a. Grading Scale.
100 – 90
89 – 80
79 – 70
69 – 60
59 – 0
b. Point System. Grades are determined by homework assignments, projects
and tests. Everything is of equal value. In other words a 50 point
assignment is worth just as much as a 50 point test.
1. Follow the classroom rules and do what you are told.
2. Treat adults and each other with respect – picking on other students will not be
tolerated. Keep your hands off other people’s stuff.
3. Good effort – My class is set up to reward students who work hard.
4. Punctual and Responsible – Tardies are given no matter how close it is, and 20%
penalty for late work.
5. Appropriate Behavior – I expect you to act your age and not like a 2nd grader.
6. Honesty – Do not copy homework, do your own work, do not try to cheat on tests.
You will eventually get caught.