Mrs. Martin`s Classroom Procedures

Mrs. Martin’s Classroom Procedures
 Entering Class
 Enter class only when I am at the door ready to greet you.
 Pick up any returned work or handouts.
 Pick up your assigned calculator and a textbook at the back of the class. There are only enough
textbooks for you to share.
 If you come in late do so quietly and get started on what we are doing.
 Getting Supplies ready
 Do this before the class bell rings.
 If you must do this in class, do not do so when someone is addressing the whole class.
 You may borrow only a wooden pencil off of my desk.
 Once the bell rings, I expect that you are in your seat quiet waiting for instructions.
 Asking Questions
 If you have a question while I am talking, raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on.
 If a student is asking a question and you have one also, wait until he or she is done speaking and I have
answered him or her, to raise your hand.
 If you have raised your hand, and I have not seen it yet, you may say “Mrs. Martin” to get my
 Going to the Bathroom
 Not during the first or last 10 minutes of class, then at teacher discretion.
 I do not allow students to go while I am giving direct instruction.
 End of Class
 Do not pack up until I say so. This helps avoid not hearing important reminders.
 Pick up the room for the next class.
 The last person out needs to close the door.
 If the bell has not rung, students should return to their seats after putting away supplies. There is no
need to line up at the door.
 Turning in Papers
 Name, date, and class period clearly written at the top right of your page.
 If you have multiple sheets, then they should be neatly stacked, in order, and stapled together in the top
left hand corner.
 There should be no fringes on the paper.
 Working in groups
 Only speak to your group member and only talk about the task at hand, equally sharing the work
 Use your notes and previous corrected class work or homework to help you unless told otherwise
 If someone enters our room during class:
 Stay on task.
 Be respectful to the visitor
 If the door is locked, the student in the seat closest to the door will open it.
 Announcements/Intercom
 If someone is speaking you need to be quiet so that we/I can listen.
 You should act as though the speaker were in the room
 Test/Quiz Time
 There is no communication of any kind (verbal or non-verbal) among students while any assignments
remain out.
 These should be taken seriously and your best effort should be put forth
 During tests, all backpacks, purses, and phones will be at the front of the room.
 If you have your phone on you (at your desk, in your pocket, ect) during a test, this will be seen as an
attempt to cheat and you will receive a zero for the exam.
 When accepting consequences
 Do not moan or complain.
 Accept the consequences of your actions and apologize to the wronged parties.
 If you feel you have been wrongly accused, please ask to talk to me after class.
 Emergency Drills
 Treat this as if it were an actual emergency.
 Silently listen to me for exist instructions.
 Electronic Devices
 This room is a red zone. Devices should be on silent and put away unless given specific permission
from me.
 You may ask to charge your phone, but you should leave it alone during class.
 If given permission to use your phone, you should only be using it for the classroom related task.
 If using electronic devices in anyway, not expressly permitted by me, disciplinary actions will take
place and parents will be contacted.
Handling poor behavior:
There are four classroom rules.
1. Be on time and prepared for class every day.
2. Be on task during all work times.
3. Be respectful of others and the learning environment.
4. Be an active participant in your learning.
Students are expected to follow all school rules!
Any behavioral or academic concerns will be handled in the following manner:
1. Teacher and student discussion
2. Teacher Detention unless it is a campus rule.
3. Parental and possibly coach or club sponsor contact by teacher
4. Written referral and/or Parent/Teacher/Principal conference