Autumn 2 Numeracy MTP Year 5 Wk 1 Strands Mental multiplication and division Objectives Recognise which numbers are divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 25 and identify multiples; find factors; compare and place fractions on a line; find equivalent fractions and reduce them to their simplest form Fractions, ratio and proportion 2 Mental multiplication and division Written multiplication and division Use mental strategies to multiply and divide multiples of 10 and 100; use a written method to multiply 3-digit and 4digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and estimate answers; divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using a written method and express remainders as a fraction 3 Geometry: properties of shapes Use a protractor to measure and draw angles in degrees; recognise, use terms and classify angles as obtuse, acute and reflex; recognise that angles on a line total 180° and angles round a point total 360°; identify and name parts of a circle including diameter, radius and circumference; draw circles to a given radius using a pair of compasses; relate angles to turns, and recognise that a 360° angle is a complete turn; use angle facts to solve problems related to turn 4 Number and place value Place numbers to 100 000 and decimals up to two places on a line, round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and decimals up to two places to the nearest whole number; compare and order numbers with up to two decimal places; reduce fractions to their simplest form; know and recognise equivalent fractions and decimals to half, tenths and fifths Decimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions Fractions, ratio and proportion Wk 5 Strands Mental addition and subtraction Written addition and subtraction Objectives Revise mental and written addition and subtraction strategies, choose to use a mental strategy or written method to solve addition and subtraction, choose to solve multiplication and division questions including 2- and 3-digit by 1-digit and 2-digit by 2-digit using a mental or a written method, Identify the operation being used on numbers, understand that addition and subtraction are inverse operations multiplication and division, use function machines Number and place value Written multiplication and division Mental multiplication and division 6 Assessment